The Border Princes Geographic Location in Namiria | World Anvil
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The Border Princes

Separated from the Empire by the Black Mountains, the land of the Border Princes is a place of constant skirmishing and instability as local warlords struggle endlessly for a few more hectares of their dismal realm. Despite that, it is an ideal place for unscrupulous individuals to make some money selling their skills and ingratiating themselves with the would-be nobility.
The Borderlands are well-supplied with ruins, many of them dating from just a few years ago. Indeed, the areas ruled by the Border Princes often have more ruins than living settlements. The most common ruins in the Borderlands are the remains of recent attempts to settle the area.

  These can be destroyed in many ways and often are. Sometimes the neighbours resettle the site, but often it is simply abandoned, as no one has the resources to take over. As a result, these ruins are almost always above ground and almost always badly damaged in some way, even if only by the weather.

  Most of these ruins were left behind from the Sultan of Araby’s attempts to invade the Old World. As a result, they are not among the oldest, and they are recognisably Human in origin.
Alternative Name(s)
The Borderlands
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