Kislev Geographic Location in Namiria | World Anvil
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Kislev is the most northern of the lands of the Old World proper and the closest to the Daemon-infested Chaos Wastes. It is a cold land bordered to the east by the Worlds Edge Mountains, and by the Sea of Claws to the west. In the northlands every town and village is heavily defended because the lands are infested with Chaos warbands and marauding monsters. The plains of the east are sparsely inhabited by nomad horse tribes; expert riders and archers born to the saddle. The western and southern tundra is more densely inhabited with many fortified settlements.

Kislev is ruled by great warrior-mages called Tzars and Tzarinas, who have potent magical powers rooted in their own elemental Ice Magic. The Kislevites are long-standing allies of the Empire. In times of great danger the two realms unite to overcome the perils of Chaos. This relationship has lasted for many centuries with only the occasional dispute that has set the two nations against each other. The warriors of Kislev are amongst the finest cavalry in the Old World, with the resplendent Winged Lancers considered experts with horse and lance, aided by Ungol Horse Archers from the eastern tribes. Those are supported by Kossar infantry drawn from all across the lands of Kislev, trained to fight with bows and axes.
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