Omamori Shrine Geographic Location in Namarie | World Anvil
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Omamori Shrine

One can't express the experiences they receive at the shrines, the right mixtures, remedies, superstitions and rituals and the Peridotans would call it something akin to a 'transcendental' experience. All I know is, it is the closest I have felt to communion with the gods... communing with the very fabric of Kaechaek. It is a deep honour to have experienced just one.
  Omamori shrines are a series of shrines set about Kaechaek. None know the origins of these shrines as they are built of a material and with a method that pre-dates the current Kaechaek... Leading many to believe that the shrines precede the events of Inkbowl and The Long Night.
  Many visit the shrines as part of The Kae's Honour path in order to find the strength and will to face it's trials and tribulations. Those who visit the Omamori shrines face a difficult and treacherous path to reach the shrines, with them being placed in key landmarks around the world and often being difficult to reach by foot alone.
  The shrines are set up in an alabaster white at the end of their route and, following the ingredient list on the shrine and the method for 'communion' allows one to truly meditate at the shrine. A unique experience in which answers to mysterious questions and the truth about a person can be found... if they are strong enough to stave off the madness these answers may bring.
The Kaechaek Party visited their first omamori shrine in Evecrest: Home of the Spooks and used it to burn and scatter the ashes of Fionn Tadhg. Upon doing so, they each received a boon from the shrine, given a vision of something and having a question answered by the land.
There are a total of thirteen Omamori Shrines throughout Kaechaek.
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