Okimoto Character in Naishou Province | World Anvil


Abbot Okimoto

The abbot of the Seven Fortunes Temple in Toshi No Naishou holds one of the most important and influential positions in Naishou Province. In times of conflict, when control of the province changes hands with some frequency, or in times of a weak governor, the abbot may actually be the most important person in the province.   Prior to his death, the former abbot made it known that he wanted Okimoto to succeed him. This was not the usual custom for the temple at all. Normally, the temple elders would come together and elect a new abbot. But the old abbot was well respected, as was Okimoto, so they did not contest the request.   Okimoto was only 20 years old when his predecessor passed away. Unwilling to ignore the respected monk's command, but knowing that he wasn't ready for the position, Okimoto insisted that he could not yet take up leadership of the temple. He asked the elders to govern the order until he was ready and for the next 35 years, Okimoto served each of the Seven Fortunes in turn. Only then did he return to the Seven Fortunes Temple and assume the mantle of leadership. That was 21 years ago this spring.   Although his eyesight is beginning to fail, Okimoto is still a spry and active 76 year old. He venerates all Seven Fortunes equally in his prayers and services and preaches peace and balance to all who would listen. Given his years of service among the people of the province, he is even more popular with the peasants than his predecessor.

RPG Character sheet

Temple of the Thousand Fortunes 5 Honor: 4.9 Status: 0.5 Glory: 4.0
Ruled Locations