Vindicta, Empire Goddess of Vengeance Character in Nainoxia | World Anvil

Vindicta, Empire Goddess of Vengeance

Empire Goddess Vindicta (a.k.a. The Unforgiving, The Hunter, The Watcher)

The Empire Goddess of Vengeance, The Unforgiving, The Hunter, The Watcher. Vindicta is the Goddess of vengeance and she and her followers stand out from among the other empire gods. While the rest of the empire pantheon is loved and worshiped by the common folk, some more than others, she is largely feared and avoided, rather than worshiped. This is the result of her church being the dreaded Inquisition, and her priests the Inquisitors who strike fear into the hearts of peasants, and worry to nobles. The absence of her and her followers is praised, as it signifies that nothing major is going wrong, and especially in small towns, where she is very rarely heard about, the prayers in her name are to keep her away, and not ever need her help. Her reputation was not helped by the usage of very heavy handed tactics by the Inquisition in the years after the calamity wars, and the increased scrutiny they are being put under to ensure that they do not overstep their powers.

Divine Domains

Death, spies, assassins

Personality Characteristics


Wants to protect the mortals as a whole, and hates those who disturb the empire, usually is a heavy handed manner and with no mercy or sparing of innocents. She is concerned with saving the whole, not the individual, and her followers and their ways show that.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Founded Settlements