Lords/Ladies Rank/Title in Nainoxia | World Anvil


The title of Lord is the lowest ranking of nobility within the Empire and usually comes with being a member of a family that owns lands or some other means of generating wealth such as part of a river, a mine, etc. These are then leased to the local leaders or peasants in exchange for money from the former, and a large percentage of the resources from the latter. Because of this, most Lords and Ladies can be found in courts or manors, either trying to secure their control over their lands, expand, or damage a rival Lord. A small exception to these rules are the so called "Individual Lords", nobility that has been awarded the title for services or deeds done, but the title does not go down their bloodline and dies with them.

The powers of a Lord or Lady are rather small in most areas, paling in comparison to the higher ranks of nobility. They are legally above a peasant, and they can do minor things such as accuse someone of a crime, take criminals from the dungeons as servants, and request urgent hearings from the local rulers. On the subject of military they hold almost no power, only being able to request a small number of guards  for themselves and their lands or estates. However, there are notable exceptions of Lords who wield enough influence to have significant indirect push in the military decisions of a Count or Duke. Lastly, their political powers depend on their family influence and their personal smarts and ability to wield the rest of their powers. Political power generally is not given, but taken or earned.


There are a number of ways for one to become a Lord, and all of them are extremely difficult or impossible for a mere peasant, however adventurers can find themselves titled at the end of their journeys. Firstly, being born into a noble family will grant one the title of Lord or Lady, such as being the child of another member of the nobility, leading to many expansive noble family trees over the Empire.
One can also earn the title as a reward for a deed done in service to a higher ranking member of the nobility, usually powerful wielders of magic assisting a Duke, or adventurers are given nobility as a reward. Sometimes in these cases they will be given titles of "Individual Lords" so as to not overcrowd the royal court with another bloodline.
 Another way is to marry into nobility, a way in which many upstart peasants try to flirt with a noble in order to gain the privileges and powers of nobility. 
 Lastly, gaining ownership or creating a way of generating money of resources, such as finding and keeping ownership of a mine, can gain someone enough influence to possibly demand a title of nobility. 

However, all upstarts looking for a way into the nobility should be careful, as the already existing nobles do not wish to dilute their power. It is not uncommon for those demanding titles to be found dead in their beds, the first and only victim of a mysterious illness, right after signing a paper giving all their possessions to an already existing noble.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
My Lord/Lady
Current Holders
Reports directly to
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