Drow Species in Nainoxia | World Anvil


The drow physically look like Elves, but millennia underground have turned their skin dark, hair white, and made their eyes susceptible to sunlight. They are as long-lived and slow to grow as the elves, but in their brutal cultures, dying of natural causes is a rarity. Understanding drow society means understanding why they left Ulathian. While individual groups had different reasons, they left because they wanted safety, guidance, and power, things that their gods could not give them anymore, and when they saw the flying islands fall, they collectively snapped. As a result, drow societies are built around a singular figure that they flock around, and since their reproduction cycles are so slow, they incorporate large numbers of slaves and Derro.

Drow societies are matriarcal, with a Denmother or Matron leading them usually under the guidance of Lolth, the Queen of Spiders, though there are some dens such as Den Hrothi that do not follow her. Social ranking is determined by the family one was born in, and cunning is the only way of social mobility, as assassinations and backstabbings are common in drow society. Another minor deity drow worship is Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden, though her followers are few in number, and mercilessly hunted by followers of Lolth.
Genetic Ancestor(s)