Calashi Ethnicity in Nailara | World Anvil


The Calashi are a people located in in the Cradle, and are primarily comprised of goblins and hobgoblins from the Needle Hills.   Calashi goblin skin tones range between various greens and tans - the most common is an off-green color. Calashi eye colors are generally yellow and orange, and hair is nearly universally black.   The Calashi are known for their skill in psychological warfare, the construction of siege engines, and their strict society. Calashi war engineers are highly valued, though somewhat controversial in their methods.  

Naming Traditions

  Calashi follow a different naming scheme than many other humanoid cultures. Each Calashi has their name, given at birth, and an honor-name which is granted to them later in life. An individual's honor-name may change many times throughout their life as they accomplish greater and greater feats.   Honor-names are sometimes shared - more common names are shared for simpler achievements, and prestigious positions may grant an honor-name to an individual. These are generally due to tireless and consistent work rather than granted in recognition of a single achievement.   The grand leader of the Calashi is considered to have no first name, and two honor-names. Most take the title of 'Leader', along with their previous honor-name. The current leader of the Calashi, for example, is named Leader Songbuilder.  


An individual's honor-name is directly inspired by their actions and greatest accomplishments. Some individuals keep count of the number of honor-names they have earned, but it is generally considered egotistical to bring such a fact up.   Exiled or shamed members of the Calashi are stripped of their honor-name entirely. Their deeds are struck from records, and their name cannot be reestablished. A new achievement and a new name is the only way to regain their honor-name.   What follows are some examples of honor-names and how they were earned.   Ebdirt Burntspire - Warleader Burntspire was granted his honor-name after he successfully took the capital of Usmina in the Siege of Illeron. At the end of this siege, he lit the Usminan royal tower ablaze, and was given the name Burntspire.   Leader Songbuilder - Leader Songbuilder was given their honor-name of Leader upon ascending to the highest leadership of the Calashi. Prior to this, they were given the honor-name Songbuilder due to their success in uniting the increasingly fractured nation.   Swifteye - A common honor-name given to archers and scouts.  

Given Names

Inspiration taken from standard goblin name generators.

Masculine Names

Grezmek, Ark, Ank, Kugtiork, Zyx  

Feminine Names

Vrahee, Hisea, Qazze, Qalsee


Major language groups and dialects

The Calashi speak their own language also known as Calashi. Many are bilingual to some degree, depending on how closely they interact with other humanoids. Over time a pidgin dialect of Usminan has become popularized among the Calashi.   Mastery of languages is a common goal by more scholarly focused Calashi, and a common route to promotion in the social hierarchy. Calashi translators can be found across the continent, but generally focus on only spoken languages.

Shared customary codes and values

Calashi functions a strict meritocracy. Children of even the most distinguished individuals are completely divorced from their lineage - invoking ones parent's station is considered one of the most shameful things an individual can do. While children are taught by their parents during adolescence, upon adulthood they set out to accomplish things on their own.   Persistence, loyalty, and tenacity are highly valued traits. Ambition is valued, though undermining your superiors is considered an act of disloyalty. To this end, in an idealized Calashi system, promotion is possible without replacing your direct superiors - allowing honest praise to be given without fear of losing one's station. Most promoted individuals leave their group to enter another.   In reality, Calashi society runs on many unstated rules of what is and is not appropriate to do, and when the best time for praise is.

Common Etiquette rules

It is considered rude to brag or speak highly of oneself. The common understanding is that if your achievements were truly of note, others would speak them for you. To this end, guests are often privately asked the origin of their honor-name so that they can be announced for them.   Asking for favors is a delicate matter in Calashi society. It is considered incredibly rude to ask for aid without having proven your value first. Additionally, accomplishments tied to traded favors are often considered less impressive - to accomplish a deed in exchange for a favor is less impressive than accomplishing it on ones own.   To be entirely clean and tidy is often seen as evidence of lack of effort. To see a well maintained but worn uniform is a better indicator of station than a brand new uniform.

Art & Architecture

To other humanoids, Calashi architecture is chaotic, and often looks to be on the brink of collapse. Despite this, Calashi structures are engineered for ease of maintenance, quick construction, and reusability of materials. Every inch is used, leading to tight corridors, low ceilings, and many nooks and crannies throughout the structures.
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