The Wrenjers of Gylidd Organization in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Wrenjers of Gylidd

Faction of Gylidd Syn Aethri

Region of Influence: Gylidd Syn Aethri, and with minor exclaves elsewhere in Myzelis.
Symbol: A wooden arm with a "hand" made of leaves and a humanoid hand extending from the wing of a wren, arranged together in a ring around 8 circles at the center. The border is encircled by the words "hedwydd hlad cydwyssen", Gylidder for "from balance, peace."  
  The Wrenjers of Gylidd are a faction from Gylidd Syn Aethri that concerns itself with exploring and cataloguing Myzelis' lands, flora, fauna, and mysteries; educating others about the dangers of the Brume; and defending the weak and powerless from the wrath of Vrokíva. They are represented in the Gylidd government by the Wrenjer of the Wilds, also regarded within the faction as the First Spear. Their home base is Gyldrigg, Fourth Tower of the Aethri, located between the Heartwood, Egwyddor district, and Cann district of Gylidd Syn Aethri.   Although the Wrenjers have only officially existed since the second founding of Gylidd in the first year of the Age of Invention (0 BAI), many groups throughout the history of Myzelis have played some part in the creation of this faction. It didn't take long after the Ripple for the people of Myzelis to learn that Vrokíva's attention was often fatal and quite devastating. In an attempt to placate or at least avoid her wrath, many have learned that living in balance with nature provides some reprieve, and that acting violently towards the planet, enacting great and rapid changes, and abusing magic for any reason immediately attracts the worst of her ire.   The Wrenjers are the evolution of this philosophy, walking a knife's edge between the necessity of civilization and the respect of nature.

"Hedwydd hlad Cydwyssen"
Translated from Gylidder as
"from Balance, Peace."

Founding Date
0 AI
Governmental, Department
Wrenjers, Wrens
Subsidiary Organizations

Base of Operations

  Gylidrigg, the Fourth Tower of the Aethri, is the home base of the Wrenjers. As with the other five Aethri Towers, Gylidrigg is 80 feet wide at the base, over 500 feet tall, and constructed almost entirely out of a single piece of magically dense stone. This superstructure was crafted during the Age of Stone by the Coterie Pantheon, making it roughly 20,000 years old, and the magic that fortifies it against magical damage also prevents its natural decay.   The Wrenjer faction also shares this tower with the Mentors, another faction within the government that supervises education. The bottom twenty floors of the tower are dedicated to Gylidd Academy, a secondary school for those intending to work for the city as a public servant. Newer Wrenjers often attend these classes, and it isn’t uncommon to find higher ranking Wrenjers working as professors and taking classes out into nature on educational expeditions.   Several outposts exist throughout the greater Gylidd Syn Aethri region, and the island of Gylidd, although none of them are as permanent as Gylidrigg. Wrenjers often move to be as close to the edges of civilization as possible, so their campsites are easily broken down and reassembled. Certain fortresses and ruins have a semi-permanent presence, such as; the Redrudd Pit on the slopes of Ymeradwyr in the Bite, the Moss Pillar in the Gylddspire Hills, Serpent Watch at Southgate Bay, and the Defiant Tower at Adcrafale.    

History of the Wrenjers

  The First of the Wrenjers were a coalition of over 200 naturalists from all over Myzelis. Their names and feats are in Eblin’s Journal of the Wrenjers. Some of the most noteworthy were: Ry-thryth the Gallant, a Centaur Arcane Archer who developed the first curriculum for new Wrenjers; Silthur Sragas, a Lizardfolk Divine Soul of Ysaridan who developed the first connections between the Wrenjers and the Curators (Gylidd’s magical authority Heedun Phothusar, a Warding Dwarf Shepherd who founded the Cups, a subfaction of healers and providers that persist to this day. One name stands out among even these heroes - Mouldvor Vex, a Beasthide Shifter Horizon Walker who was ubiquitous in the stories of the first Wrenjers, and many regard as the original First Spear and leader of the faction.    

Goals of the Wrenjers

  As peace between civilization and Vrokíva is their goal, only the most optimistic among them believe there will ever be an end to their watch. The Wrenjers are constantly fighting an uphill battle, toiling without an expectation of reward. They often begin or join expeditions into wild spaces along the edges of the Brume; cataloguing wildlife; marking upon the encroachment of the mist; advising and educating people living in dangerous areas; driving off Vrokívan beasts; and defending nature and magic itself from abuse by arresting, slaying, or otherwise defeating abusers.   Wrenjers are highly regarded in Gylidd Syn Aethri for their sacrifice on behalf of the civilization. They are given great latitude in the pursuit of their duties and their word is not just respected but sought after for their experience. When outside the city state, depending upon the civilization in question, they are usually lauded and afforded great respect, and their efforts to weed out the sort of things that would draw Vrokíva’s ire is also usually appreciated. It is not inconceivable that certain factions, societies, and countries may have legitimate or illegitimate issues with the Wrenjers, and in such circumstances the faction leaders often advise one to either keep their distance and report, contact a Crown Wrenjer to try diplomacy, or find some way to perform their duties without being caught.    

Leaders of the Wrenjers

  First Eldspear Artem Abraxas is one of the Galrydhaia, and a stern tactician. He is a Gylidder Tabaxi and Gloom Stalker.   First Eldstave Glathren Granid Stonesaber is one of Vykdramir Dauddraig’s chosen, and a staunch believer in defense of not just the surface’s balance but that of the underdark. He is a Mountain Dwarf and Pact of the Tome Hexblade.   First Cup Anen Minmyssren is young and impatient, burning through Wrenjer resources trying to deliver generous stores of medicines to exclaves throughout Myzelis, but no one can doubt her fiery resolve. She is a Gylidder Rhuddinssair and Paladin of the Oath of Ancients.   First Eldcrown Ansible Le Guin is one of the Galrydhaia, a scion of Aurelon, and Chosen of Fire and Death. She is a Gylidder Aasimar and Warlock of Vykdramir Dauddraig.  

Former Leaders

  First Eldspear Kobeck Huaru (3465 AI to 10 AE (54 years))   First Eldcrown Xunrus Nunroxath (3020 AI to 1 AE (499 years))    

Membership and Structure

  The insignia of the Wrenjers is called the “Wrenglyph” (WREN-gliff). It is encircled by the words "hedwydd hlad cydwyssen", Gylidder for "from balance, peace." The token can be inverted to display the berries (that represent the 8 cardinal laws of the faction) either being given to nature by civilization, or civilization by nature. The "hand" made of leaves and a wooden arm represents nature, and on the other side is a humanoid hand extended from the wing of a Wren - the adopted mascot of the faction - to represent Aethrin civilization.   When two Wrenjers meet, the common greeting is for one to hold their hand out, palm up, and the other Wrenjer greets them by holding their hand somewhere above it, palm down. This signifies the free exchange of knowledge, support, and embracing the idea of asking for help when one needs it. Traditionally, lower ranking Wrenjers begin this greeting when meeting higher ranking Wrenjers. It is not at all uncommon for an object to be exchanged between the two individuals, typically a morsel of food, and eating it immediately shows trust between Wrenjers.   It is also common for Wrenjers to speak the axiom of their order when departing. The phrase “hedwydd hlad cydwyssen” is Gylidder for “from balance, peace,” and is pronounced “HED-dwedd hullad sid-WISS-en.” Shorthand, a Wrenjer may just say “hedwydd” (“peace”) in quiet times, or “cydwyss” (“balance”) in more dangerous moments, as if to say “we must bring balance.”   The flag of the Wrenjers flies over Gylidrigg, the Fourth Tower of the Aethri, and features the Wrenglyph in brown and green over a green field. This same heraldry is flown over Wrenjer camps and fortifications elsewhere in Gylidd, as well as camps abroad in other countries and lands.    

Becoming a Wrenjer

  Joining the Wrenjers involves being scouted by an active Wrenjer who isn’t an Initiate, and then being brought to Gylidrigg for training and testing. There is a precedent for Wrenjers being educated and given their Initiate trial entirely in the field, but such a thing is typically only done by Ready or Noble Wrenjers out of necessity.     (All Wrenjers are mentors, so the list of those within the faction would could have taught PCs as large as the roll call for the entire faction. Most tend to pair up to allow for this interaction to continue in the field. As there is no class or archetype requirement for Wrenjers, mentors may be drawn from nearly any of them. A player whose character joins the Wrenjers is welcome to work with their DM to devise their mentor’s character sheet and status, as well as an explanation why the mentor is not at the player character’s beck and call.)    


  Wrenjers are asked to make these nine promises when they are inducted.  
  • To be bold but not selfish
  • To be strong but not thoughtless
  • To be courageous but not unwise
  • To be swift but not witless
  • To explore the natural world
  • To minimize the impact of civilization
  • To defend the lives of both the wild and the cities
  • To educate others about the balance of nature
  • To oppose Vrokíva without giving offense nor seeking revenge


  Wrenjers are separated into subfactions, and each of these factions have rank and titles. It isn’t often to find more than a handful of Wrenjers out in the wild, and they often meet when a dire situation is developing, so having a method of quickly determining who is in charge is important. The subfactions are as follows:  
  • The Spears, who are responsible for direct combat, hunting of monsters, and scouting. Their title is taken from the magical artifact The Spear of Vex.
  • The Staves, who are responsible for defense, strategy, and coordination. Their title is taken from the magical artifact The Staff of Sragas.
  • The Cups, who are responsible for healing, restoration of wild spaces, and cleansing. Their title is taken from the magical artifact The Cup of Phothusar.
  • The Crowns, who are responsible for communication, education, and diplomacy. Their title is taken from the magical artifact The Crown of Rh-thryth.
  Each Wrenjer is therefore given a ranking based on how proven they are.  
  • First” is a title assigned to those of each subfaction that are without peer. Either the oldest, the most skilled, or the most well-respected. “First Spear,” “First Cup,” et cetera.
  • Second” is a title given to someone who the First of that faction has determined will be their successor, someone they keep close and personally mentor. “Second Crown,” “Second Stave,” et cetera.
  • Eld” is a prefix title assigned to individuals who have lived over fifty winters as a Wrenjer and survived. It is often combined with other titles. “Noble Eldspear,” “Second Eldcrown,” etc.
  • Noble” is a title assigned to individuals who have distinguished themselves as a Wrenjer. “Noble Cup,” “Noble Stave,” et cetera.
  • Ready” is a title assigned to individuals who have proven themselves as Wrenjer. “Ready Spear,” “Ready Crown,” et cetera.
  • Fledge” is an informal title for a Wrenjer initiate, who has not yet joined a subfaction and is still learning about them.
  • All other Wrenjers are simply called that.
    While Wrenjers often settle into their individual roles when in a group, they are often alone or missing compatriots of certain subfactions. In these circumstances, Wrenjers are expected to step up and perform all of the duties of each subfaction to the best of their ability, but prioritize their efforts on the tasks given to them as determined by their focus.    

Ranks and Responsibilities

  The first criteria for maintaining status as a Wrenjer of Gylidd is to continuously update the First Crown at Gylidrigg about one’s exploits and discoveries. Only recorded deeds are recognized as part of a Wrenjer’s Aethrid (mortal record), which is the basis for their rank. Magic is often used to verify these records. The most common methods of sending word are Animal Messenger, Sending, or letters delivered by the Gylidd Post (Wrenjer missives are given special security). Failing to keep up a healthy Aethrid may be cause for removal from the faction.   Secondly, all new recruits begin as Wrenjer Initiates (also known informally as “Fledges”), who spend approximately a year (far less, in the case of capable recruits) learning about the different subfactions before applying and being tested for one. These tests are primarily conducted in the field, and involve evaluating an Initiate’s capacity to perform more than just the one role to which they applied. Unsuccessful recruits are given two more attempts before they must quit the faction. Initiates are given a steel insignia worth 10 sp upon their induction.   Successful recruits are immediately granted the full Wrenjer title, and given either a “focus” area to protect, or an assignment. Wrenjers are given an electrum insignia worth 10 gp and afforded the respect of Gylidd Syn Aethri, as well as the city state’s allies.   Ready Wrenjers are awarded this title upon their Proving (the first major campaign or quest they complete once they are 10th level or higher). Ready Wrenjers are given a silver insignia worth 100 gp, the respect of Gylidd and her allies, and may make reasonable requests of Wrenjers and Initiates in their expanded area of focus.   Noble Wrenjers are awarded this title upon their Distinguishment (the first major campaign or quest they complete once they are 15th level or higher). Noble Wrenjers are given a gold insignia worth 1000gp, the respect of Gylidd and her allies, may make reasonable requests of Ready Wrenjers, Wrenjers, and Initiates in their expended area of focus, and may request the construction of fortifications and Wrenjer camps in the area.   The Eld Wrenjer prefix is assigned to all active members upon the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary of service. By this point, few of the Wrenjer’s peers have survived as long as they have. Most Eld Wrenjers skip the ceremony, preferring instead to work and accept their special insignia only begrudgingly. Eld Wrenjers are given a platinum insignia worth 5000gp, and are afforded respect by all Wrenjers. They may also make reasonable requests of all Wrenjers except Firsts and Seconds, and the definition of “reasonable” is given greater latitude for them due to their wisdom. They may also choose an area of focus to be their permanent watch, from which they cannot be recommissioned or reassigned, and inside this territory they are given full authority over all Wrenjers except First and Seconds.   First Wrenjers are only ever awarded this position after the previous First Wrenjer of that subfaction dies. In a somber, but reverent ceremony, what is left of the previous First is presented to their chosen Second (or another prominent, Noble Wrenjer by their subclass peers), along with the First Wrenjer’s Badge. Immediately after this ceremony, the First Wrenjer begins grooming their own Second. Second Wrenjers have authority over all other Wrenjers of their subfaction except the First. First Wrenjers have authority over all other Wrenjers of their subfaction, and the First Spear has authority over all other First Wrenjers, unless all three disagree in kind.   All insignias granted by the Wrenjers are created using a highly secretive, magical process that prevents harm from befalling the token, and any Wrenjer bearing one can automatically identify the identity and rank of another Wrenjer bearing one as long as they can see that creature. The tokens are otherwise simply that.    

Wrenjers Elsewhere in Myzelis

  Exclaves of the Wrenjers of Gylidd are rarely expansive and never permanent. Given the purpose of their faction is to constantly scout the edges of civilization and look for threats that will invoke Vrokíva’s wrath, they tend to be based around campsites made up of individual tents. They can sometimes be found in the middle of old, unused fortifications, but they are more likely to exist deep in the wild, where they can use natural terrain to obfuscate their presence.   That being said, each major civilization in Myzelis with a representative in Gylidd has a primary contact amongst the Wrenjers, a Noble Crown dedicated to maintaining at least pleasant relations between their faction and the sovereign nations in which they may operate. These diplomats are referred to with the honorific, “Guide.”     The list of Guides and what campaign they operating in will be available soon.

Articles under The Wrenjers of Gylidd

Character flag image: by Benjamin Decker