Antimatter Railgun Technology / Science in myths of the other side | World Anvil
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Antimatter Railgun

Antimatter Railgun is weapon developed as good choice for those who already store Antimatter Rods. It is based on the idea that in emergency 1kg Antimatter Rods can used as an projectiles with unbelievable destructive power. Antimatter rod is accelerated from 100mach up to 1000mach, depending on the railgun model and energy source (usually OFRE class engines or Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine. This project has also been referenced as new 'rods of god' weapon. EFSAS has been known to be first to adopt this weapon, and used it in AT VS OS Conflict to destroy resistance of ground troops of the insurgency from orbit. Later it has been in huge use in FTL travel capable spaceships as they already store Antimatter Rods for Alcubierre drive. Because its huge potential misuses, its use and buying is heavily tracked.

Social Impact

This weapon spreaded fear among population, and UEF was forced to publish the weapon to common markets in order to get public outrage calm down. EFSAS was blamed for commiting war crimes, they denied it and said that they had used approriate measures against insurgencies.
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