Mythos Tomes Item in Mystimon Saga | World Anvil

Mythos Tomes

These mysterious tomes are written in an alien language not of Terr'ahna. In order to decode a Mythos Tome requires the reader to Invest it for 1 hour and attempt a Very Hard DC Occultism check to attempt to decipher the alien language. However doing so also incurs a Hard DC Stress Save. Once deciphered and invested, a Mythos Tome may be used to Research various topics, depending on the volume. Every volume is different and contains different topics within its pages. However, once Invested, its curse also activates, and the character reading it incurs a -2 item penalty to their Wisdom score. This penalty is temporary, lasting 24 hours as long as they do not read from the Tomes. It can not be cured in any way, and this curse can not be dispelled, as it is of an alien origin.   But if that wasn't bad enough, every time a character reads from the Tomes, they must also make a Hard DC Stress Save.   Invest (Daily Preparations) The character spends their Daily Preparations deciphering the alien language within the Tome's pages. However, once Invested, its Curse activates, and the Invested Character suffers a temporary -2 item penalty to their Wisdom score for 24 hours.   Madness Research Activate (10 minutes) Research Effect The character uses the Tome to Research various topics, depending on the volume. When doing so, the PC gets a +2 Item Bonus to the Check made to Research this Topic, and furthermore if they have Max Stress +3 or above threshold, this Item Bonus increases to +4. However, each time any character uses this Tome to Research, they must attempt a Hard DC Stress Save as they descend further into Madness.


No one really knows where the Mythos Tomes come from.
Traits Magical, Occult, Mythos Tome, Invested, Unique
L Bulk
Base Price


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