The Foglands Geographic Location in Myriad | World Anvil

The Foglands

The thing you have to know about the Foglands is: Its dangerous. Plain and simple. Avoid it if you can, and if you can't its probably best to accept your fate.
— The Blade God, Syl.

Geography and Climate

As the name would suggest, the Foglands are continously covered in a thick layer of fog. Due to the magical nature of the fog, the climate will not soak you through. Most places in the Foglands are nearly impossible to see in. There are some areas where you can see further ahead. This area is extremely dangerous and should be treated as such. Thinking that you are above whatever horrors lurk in the Fog is certain death. Staying too long in the Foglands can result in you beocming a husk of yourself. An empty body void of a soul and endlessly wandering through the fog and the ruins of a once flourishing city that nobody can seem to find any information on. The trees in the Foglands are massive and covered in crystals.

Monsters and Entities

There are many things lurking in the fog. Among the ones the Fogwalkers have documented, there are likely many, many more. There are many things to avoid such as: Gorgers, Fogweavers, Fog Crystal Golems, Shattered Spectres, and whats known as the Spliced. There are many large floating abberations in the fog amonst the larger Fogland Crystals that take their place in the sky above the forest floor.
Foglands by Leashea via Midjourney

Cover image: by Leashea via Midjourney, Theiket with the photoshop


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Mar 2, 2024 02:48 by Keon Croucher

Fogwalker sounds like a heck of a job and I'd sign on in a heartbeat. Dangerous, I'm sure, however I would imagine because of that, it certainly would not lack excitement!!! The Spliced immediately catch my attention as a name/title I desire to know more, though it might be bad for one's health to have such curiosity.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization