Session 3: Of Squirrels and Hobbits Report in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil

Session 3: Of Squirrels and Hobbits

General Summary

The party were just beginning to dry off a bit, after seeking refuge in the hollow tree house, when a most terrible smell began to waft into their shelter. Then the old man popped out, took a look around, and screeched, then brandishing a crude spear told them all "Out, Out, Out!" at the top of his faltering voice. Quickly responding with contrition and good intentions they gained some time. ILLITHOILLIN tried to calm him, but the words of the Elf just antagonized him more.   BRANNIK tried as well, but he rebuked the Dwarf calling Dwarves treacherous. Finally the AL calmed him, and even though the old man noted that humans could succumb to the darkness, this opened as much of a dialogue as you could have with the HERMIT. Al gave him some rations and that allowed the party to get more information from him. He told of hunting and capture followed by imprisonment. The party had already spotted the terrible scarring around his wrists and ankles that had to have come from years in shackles.   In the end the party was able to spend the night as guests with the understanding they must leave first thing. He awakened them very early and sent them on their way. Before leaving he pulled Al aside and gave the Barding a prized possession, noting his desire to avoid the problems that came from items. He brought out a bag that held about 3/4's of an axe head. The carvings on it confirmed the parties thoughts that he was a Woodman. Al agreed to return it to "his people" as he requested.   Late that afternoon the party found themselves passing through the FOREST GATE, as they passed through they found a man of the road from his appearance demanding entry from the Elvish guards, but he was repeatedly told he could not pass. The party spoke with the man, BEOBERT the Beorning, He was wanting to travel through Mirkwood, but had no definite plans. So, the party offered him the opportunity to join them in their trek to Woodman Town. He graciously accepted noting he could guide them there with ease.   The following day the party rose to find that Summer was unwilling to let go it's hold as the temperature rose throughout the morning. Nearing midday the party was feeling overcome by the heat, and many became disheartened. Calls for a rest grew, and they found a nice shady spot to get out of the Sun, and even enjoy a bit of a breeze. After lunch most of the travelers fell asleep. Those on guard were troubled by thoughts that something nearby was of great value to them. RUSCION felt that some key to his ability to return home could be found nearby, so rising he set off towards the woods. Soon others were following all driven by this feeling of finding something they desired.   Others roused from their sleep either by their dreams, or by Beobert joined the slow movement towards the forest and what they desired. An old well largely obscured by a strange vine growing up out of it seemed to be the seat of their discontent. Nearing it they spread out to see what they could find. The first strand of the vine caught Illitholin and cut him as it took him in his grip, Baldor was also grabbed by the plant. He was soon on the ground unconscious being pulled towards the well. As the fight went on the party quickly came in and joined in the fight. And, in just a few minutes the plant dropped its limbs from those it was holding. The party then burnt the plant in the well.   The journey was resumed, and completed with no more adventures. The party was back in Woodman Town, and it was nearing the midpoint of Autumn so staying here was the best option for winter, so this would be their place to winter. Illitholin and Aldore researched the locations for plants they wished to find. Others pursued rest and healing. Brannik found rest by carving wood for houses around town. Al presented the Axe head the Hermit had given him to the ELDERS OF WOODMAN TOWN, who recognized it as the prize axe head of one of the clans. Long lost when the young Chieftain bearing it disappeared while hunting in Southern Mirkwood.   It had been a good winter, and the party were feeling welcome here in Woodman Town when a letter arrived for FINDOLIN born by another Elf of Mirkwood. It was from Elgon , who Findolin had remembered was a very ancient Elf dating back to the summons, asking for them to meet him at the EASTERLY INN on the The Old Forest Road between the OLD FORD and the HIGH PASS, as soon as things began to thaw.   Once the weather began to warm the party made their way North crossing the Old Ford, and soon coming to this new inn. It was a fine early spring day where the sun broke through the chill causing some to roll up sleeves or remove cloaks. The party were all drawn in by the wonderful smells rolling from the kitchen that could be smelt before the house came in view. The strange low round architecture called to them curiously.   On arrival at the EASTERLY INN they found Elgon waiting for them with the owner. Elgon welcomed them, and introduced them to DODY BRANDYBUCK and his wife Agatha Brandybuck. Elgon wasted little time getting to business, he let them know that DINDY BRANDYBUCK Dody's younger brother and partner had returned late in the Fall to the SHIRE to obtain pipeweed and hops from the harvest to get the Inn through winter. He has never returned, and it was feared that he'd been too late to cross the High pass, and had to winter in ERIADOR. However DRIFTER and Eagle that has long befriended Elgon came to him with news that the caravan was trapped, but holding out in a ring fort on the other side of the high pass. He wants them to make for the fort, and relive the caravan and get the goods and Dindy back to the Inn. The party willingly accepted, and began their preparations to leave.
Report Date
23 Sep 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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