Istari Species in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil


The Istari are a group of Five MAIA who came to Middle Earth in 1000 TA at the behest of their patron VALAR to protect Middle Earth and provide guidance to the CHILDREN OF ILUVITAR . These powerful spirits took on the bodies of Men, but they age very slowly, and retain all the knowledge and power they possessed since the song began. The 5 were charged with being aides and protectors since the Valar had decided to end their active involvement on Middle Earth.   Two of the number, THE BLUE WIZARDS moved to the East and did not enter into the great events in the West. The other three, SARUMAN , Gandalf, the Grey, and RADIGAST, THE BROWN all played critical roles in the end of the Third Age.   Working with the WHITE COUNCIL , they assisted recently in the defeat of the NECROMANCER OF DOL GULDUR .


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