AMON SUL Building / Landmark in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil


Amon Sul was the southernmost and highest of the WEATHER HILLS in Eriador. It stood a little away from the other hills, and its conical top was flattened. Of old, it formed the boundary between ARTHEDAIN and RHUDAUR, and upon it was the Tower of Amon Sûl, overlooking the EAST-WEST ROAD
Weathertop's summit was almost always windy, due to its prominence.  Weathertop rose a thousand feet above the relatively level surrounding lands, and offered a commanding view in every direction. A path led from Weathertop northward to the other Weather Hills.


The tower was originally part of the fortifications built as part of the defences of the Dunedain defenses againt Angmar.  After the victory of Angmar it was destroyed.  Today it is still a valued spot to watch the lands in all directions as even just as a hill it has a great view of the surrounding lands.  Forces of light and darkness can both be found there at times.  And, frequent skirmishes are held on it and nearby as a result.
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