Pryzmira Character in MyAirdhe | World Anvil


Pryzmira is a descendant of the GOLDEN HOUSE that had ruled in AENOCH before the rise of UNKLAR.  She was located and hidden during the end of the wars with the Horned God.  As his defeat neared her presence was revealed.  She came out of hiding to find her rightful spot.  
The SEVEN REALMS were feeling less secure with their ties to Unklar and were considering a move towards independence.  Pryzmira was the obvious choice as their Empress.  She would give them a legitimate tie to the Old Empire, and a leader that was not tied in anyway to the taint of Unklar.  After fierce negotiations an agreement was reached and Pryzmira was crowned as the Empress of New Aenoch.  The new title harkening back to the past, while looking forward to a new beginning in a world sans God Emperors.  
Pryzmira's rule has had three distinct phases.  However, all three have lead to the new empire advancing and prospering.  
The first phase was the initial triumphal assumption.  This lead directly into the new empire throwing off the yoke of Unklar and joining in the war against him.  As the tide had already turned this was largely icing on the cake, but it still left Pryzmira and the nobles of the Seven Realms on the winning side.  
Quickly this moved into the second phase which was characterized by infighting between Pryzmira and the Seven Realms.  Never open warfare, but protracted diplomatic and legislative battles as each side worked to confirm their place in the new order.  Still they were able to keep a united front to the outside so that while turbulent locally the business of business went on, and defenses were maintained.
The Final phase has seen Pryzmira reach an equilibrium with the leaders of the Seven Realms, and readjust her focus from those battles to nurturing the Outremere or Crusader States.  This is seen as her realization that her real power lies not with the Seven Realms, but the new realms where she will have a free hand.  This has been coupled with her desire to see her daughter, NERATITE, elected to succeed her on the throne of theKingdom of New Aenoch.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1110 241 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was born to Jaren Falkenjagger before his assumption to Godhood, and the slave woman of Aufstrag, Anne, who cared for him and set him free.


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