
First created as a nightmare of the All Father, Unklar dwelt in the UNDEEPS of the VOID for many long ages. He was driven there by a host of the Val Eahrakun. He had no knowledge of the world until NULAK-KIZ-DIN enlightened him, and then he lusted for it. Powerful beyond imagining, he came to the world summoned by the WINTER RUNE. There, he reigned upon a temporal throne for a thousand years, known as the Winter's Dark. He spent of himself and ordered all things as he saw fit, changing the shape and nature of the world.   He was at last banished to the Void, where he remains an ever-present force and memory, seeking to return to his throne.  Unklar’s power has waned, but he is still of an order of magnitude that few could combat.  Those who strive to resist change, and who worship the dark and evil follow Unklar the Horned God. Unklar appears as a gigantic beast-like creature, with the upper torso of a man and the lower torso of a goat, with cloven feat. He sports massive bull-like horns. His goat legs are segmented and covered in thick, coarse black hair. Otherwise his skin is red, face broad, and his eyes are filled with an abiding hate. He carries a massive mace in hand called UTRIEL, the Mace of Judgment.   Unklar’s dark priests roam the world, seeking to summon him anew to return the Winter Dark to the world. Large, Gothic cathedrals to Unklar still tower over the kingdom of PUNJ and the UNITED KINGDOMS, for the people there revel in the memory of the Age of Winter Dark. In other parts of the world, Unklar’s temples are hidden, and his worship kept secret. The sorcerers and wizards in the PATHS OF UMBRA worship Unklar, and the UNGERN continue to do their master’s bidding. While most humanoids pay Unklar sacrifice, the goblins loathe his name because of the years of slavery and torture they suffered at Unklar’s hand, and the orcs, aside from the HLOBANE ORCS, have taken to the worship of HELG.   Unklar’s holy symbol is the crescent moon, typically displayed on a  black field. It represents his bending of the flat world created by the All Father. The JUDICIARIES OF AIHRDE, Unklar’s clerics, indicate their station by the orientation of the holy symbol pointed downward. Those warriors who are, or were, legionnaires in Unklar’s army, point the moon toward the left, while those in the Paths of Umbra point it right. Common worshipers point the moon upward, thus doubly representing that they worship the Horned God.   To slay any creature, pure of heart, noble and good in the name of Unklar may capture his attention and earn for the supplicant a bonus one on his next action

Divine Domains

Command, Evil, Law, Darkness, Winter, Unchanging, Undeeps.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crescent Moon
Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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