Human Species in MyAirdhe | World Anvil


Humans are the most diverse of the races. In appearance, demeanor, culture, language, crafts and interests, humans are difficult to characterize in total as it is this diversity which most defines humanity and makes them one of the most unique of races in all the world. Humans can range in size from 5 and half feet in height to 6 and half feet. Their body bulk likewise ranges greatly depending on diet, nutrition, and desire. Females tend to be slighter in both height and weight than males, though there are many exceptions to this. Hair colors and styles range greatly depending upon culture, genetics, and status within their own cultures. Skin colors also range greatly from pitch black to a pasty white.   Humans range as much in temperament as they do in appearance. They can be mean spirited, lowly, dastardly, and downright evil to high minded, loyal, honest, and beneficent. Humans are as often industrious as they are indolent. It is the range and the fervor with which they pursue or are driven by these traits that sets humans apart. Their laziness knows no limit while at the same time, their industriousness exceeds that of all others.   There is little one can say about human culture other than it is so vast in its structures and forms it is chaotic. Languages, customs, religions, laws, settlement patterns, architecture, food consumption, warfare, governmental structure and marriage patterns are often so different from one group to the next as to make many groups of humans incompatible neighbors. From solitary farmsteads on wide plains to overcrowded cities in riverine environments, humans are found in any sized settlement and in any environment.   All this diversity results from one general characteristic all humans seem to share. Humans are infinitely curious. This curiosity drives individual explorers or even whole nations into new territories, across lonely mountains and into the deeps of the ocean. They are a migratory lot and seem to constantly be on the move to new and better lands.   This curiosity rises up in the pursuit of crafts, farming, warfare and many an intellectual enterprise. Humans constantly strive to improve their lot and understand the physical workings of the world in which they live. Curiosity and enterprise manifest together in ever improving technologies and skills which increase and broaden their power and influence on their neighbors.   Another characteristic is one of competition. Whether with one another, other races, animals or anything else that moves or can be beaten, humans compete. This leads to constant military conflict, social conflict, economic conflict, religious conflict and even interpersonal spiritual conflict. All this conflict makes for a fairly contentious race. Though, ultimately, a very successful one as a natural social, intellectual and economic evolution creates ever more efficient human cultures – though often to the detriment of their neighbors.   In sum, humans are defined more by their culture than by any inherent instinct or nature. Their culture determines their belief systems, marital patterns, governmental institutions, and relations with their neighbors and other races. Their technology level tends to dictate their capacities (some fight with bones, others with swords of steel, still others just cannot countenance a fight at all) and their economic base dictates their wealth.


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