Muum Great Plague
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Great Plague

Plague / Epidemic


The Great Plague changed the entire political situation of the continent because of racial rivalries.

The Great Plague changed the entire political situation of the continent because of racial rivalries.
Prior to the Great Plague, the Mukala Dominion was the prominent power on northern Estana. Lumina was only somewhat sustaining itself around the northern edges of the Dominion.
Then, the Plague hit, and everyone started dying... except the healers. The Mukala Dominion was hit hardest, and began fracturing (though it would take another century for it to officially fall) and people started flocking to the Temple for healing. Within a decade, the Kaelic Temple had swept into the northern half of the Dominion.
Other races, such as the Wilders, Wights, and Wraiths were fairly secluded from the general populations, so it was hard to say how much they were affected by the plague. Rumor has it that a couple Wight cities were found abandoned shortly after, so they were not unaffected. The Kaelic Temple later claimed that the Great Plague was a Wilder curse, but recent discoveries at the University of Obsidian have shed doubt on that claim.

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