Guy Sours Character in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Guy Sours

Guy Sours is our resident gravedigger. A man of average stature and humble intellect, he tries to keep up a good appearance, but his work is dirty business. Like myself, Mr. Sours has lived in Munson his whole life, as did his father before him. Guy takes his work at the St. Mary's Cemetery with absolute seriousness, and refuses to carry on with small talk while he is on the hallowed grounds of his workplace. This has given Guy a reputation for being rude or disrespectful to the living, but people who have known him long like myself would vehemently argue against that. Mr. Sours is a deeply respectful man to all people, he well knows the right time and place for the various conversations of life.   While never much of a conversationalist, Guy's demeanor is brighter as he walks around town, trading pleasantries with the locals he's know his while life. While not the most books mart fellow you'll meet, Guy rivals me in his knowledge of the stranger things that happen around town. As he would put it "Henry, the things you see when you spend your days amongst the dead are enough for two lifetimes. There's more to life that what we see in daylight."   Guy has his old theories about the legends the tell what things lurks about Munson. He is a simple, pious man, who believes his Baptist faith will protect him from those who resent his role in the church's work, as Guy would describe it. Other oddities he attributes to blessings from God that we simply aren't meant to understand.


Garrus Velkin


Towards Guy Sours


Guy Sours


Towards Garrus Velkin



Guy suspects that Garrus has been taking from the cemetery, and has to shoo him away. In turn, Garrus does not like him because of this, and tries to hide and sneak in when Guy isn't around.



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