Septim Empire Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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Septim Empire

The only time the people of the Westfork found themselves united in history was during the reign of the Septim Empire. As such it created many of the institutions still pivotal to the continent today. The capital of the empire was the Metropolis of Mulandir, which now lies in ruins.  

Built on War

The Septim Empire was founded in the Westfork in the year 1010, when Tiber Septim crowned himself emperor at Mulandir. His father, Hadrian, had been lord of Mulandir under the Kingdom of Myrtana. As the city was the largest city on the continent, Hadrian held great power in terms of wealth and arms. His son, Tiber, however, was even stronger being birthed as a Dragonbron exceptionally proficient in the Thu'um. Tiber overthrew the Strongborn dynasty in the kingdom of Myrtana while only 30 years of age. What followed was a bloodbath among the Strongborn family in that kingdom. Next, he convinced the Lords' Alliance of Corinth to join him and together they destroyed the Kingdom of Gotha. The Strongborn bloodline that ruled there, had seen what had happened to their kin in the south and vanished, before the Septim could put his hands on them.   He could not enjoy much peace however, as in the early years of his reign, Tiber was forced to fight off invasions from both the Nordic Kingdoms and Valyrian invaders from Essos. This assault from the south became Tiber's end, when through magic trickery he was assassinated. His son Otus continued the war and with help of the paladins of the Chantry of Fire even launched a counterattack, razing the enemy capital of Valyria to the ground (these events are known as the Valyrian Conquest).  

Built on Order

After securing the realm militarily, its rulers started expanding the imperial apparatus. Veranus, Tiber Septim's brother and Arch Magus at the court, had seen the power that magicians could wield during the Valyrian war and founded the Inquisition. This order was tasked with finding and training mages, while making sure they could not hurt society. His nephew, Otus, similarly founded The Night's Watch. This was a military order which was tasked with guarding the eastern borders with the The Wilds. As it was fed with conscripted prisoners, it was also a way to keep the peace in the realm.   At the head of the Empire stood the Emperor, aided by his Imperial Council. The council held 9 seats:
  • The ruby throne of the Septim Emperor.
  • The seat of the Imperial Arch Magus, often also occupied by a Septim.
  • The seat of the Grand Lectus, effectively the War Commander of the Empire.
  • The Guild Master's seat, representing the craftsmen guilds' interests and the economy of the realm.
  • The seat of the Master of Coin, keeping track of the empire's treasury.
  • A seat for the Governor of the Gothic Lands. This position was initially held by the Vardenfell nobles, but switched to the Redoran noble family.
  • A seat for the Governor of Myrtana, held by the Telvanni nobles.
  • A seat for the Governor of Corinth, held by House Sedras.
  In order to administrate the realm noble houses loyal to the Emperor, where tasked to with administrating the provinces once ruled by the kings of the Westfork. Several of these noble houses, still have a presence in the Westfork.  

The Fall of the Empire

In the year 1250 emperor Yormar was crowned. He was the second emperor to be no Dragonborn, fueling rumours of the weakening imperial line. Furthermore, the noble houses tasked with ruling the provinces had grown extremely powerful, at times acting as the very kings they were supposed to replace. One such house were the Lannisters from Myrtana. In 1277 they schemed with the Grand Lectus, Hieronymous Lex, and lured the imperial army in a trap. The Lannister forces then lay siege to the imperial capital of Mulandir and in victory razed it to the ground. The Septims were murdered and chaos erupted in the realm. Throughout the realm civil war erupted and eventually led to the return of the three kingdoms of old.

Ambitious to the fore

1010 - 1277

Geopolitical, Empire


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