Myrtana Geographic Location in Mundus | World Anvil
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Lining most of the southern coast of the Westfork, Myrtana is a land full of chivalrous knights, paladins of the Chantry of Fire and farmers. Controlled by the homonymousKingdom of Myrtana, the country is full of political intrigue and such. Regions found in Myrtana are:
  • The Holy Lands, where the Monastery of Fire is located from where the High Flame preaches
  • The Golden Coast, with the city of Luthetia
  • Longfields, home to Falcon Keep and Ardea (also known for the Battle of Longfields)
  • The Heartlands, where the farming city of Montera is found
  • Vengard, where the honomynous capital of the Kingdom is found: Vengard.
  • Faring, home to the honomynous city of Faring
  • The Gap, Myrtana's north eastern border to Whiterun where the fortress of Trelis is located
  • Okara, a region occupied by the The Night's Watch, using it as a border to the southern wilds.

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