Materials & Craftings in Mundus | World Anvil
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Materials & Craftings

Below most gatherable materials are summarized, along with their processed goods (Secondary products), and the Final Products.    


Metals, Minerals and Gems



Perhaps the most commonly used metal in blacksmithing, iron is a common material found mostly in mountain regions. Although a strong material on its own, the strength and durability of the material can be increased by combining the iron with coal in smelting, producing steel.  


Almost as common as iron, though less frequently used for the forging of arms, tin is a common material found mostly in mountain regions. Combined with copper it can be smelted into bronze.  


Similar to tin, copper is mostly used in the smelting of bronze, or used in decorative and usable items though rarely in arms.  


Likely the most common material found in the mines, coal is used for many purposes, forging and heating among them.  

Magic Ore

A far more rare material, magic ore is primarily used for the forging of arms and sometimes for the crafting of armor. Its blueish color is immediately recognized by most. Depending on the temperature used in the forging process, the material endures its magic properties. If handled correctly with for instance magma temperatures, the object crafted is referred to a 'pure magic ore' object. If handled at a too low temperature, some of the magic is retained but most is lost. Therefore, forges being able to handle this precious material are greatly sought after and even battled over. In addition, it is used in the making of magical runes, used for instance by the Chantry of Fire or the Inquisition.  


The dwarven metal, durium is the hardest most durable metal known in Mundus and is considered very rare. The art of forging durium is protected by the dwarves of the Kingdom of Orzammar. While less potent in terms of magical capabilities than magic ore, a plate armour fashioned from durium is nearly unpiercable.  


Adamantium is a rare material mostly used for the enhancement of weapons, though their are mentions of its usage in the forging of plate armor among the relics found during the exploration of Mazaar.  


This precious metal is considered uncommon and finds its main purpose in the crafting of jewelry and other decorations. Silver is also used in the enhancement of arms to be able to strike down magical entities immune to ordinary physical harm. In addition, the metal is used as a currency less valuable than its golden counterpart.  


This precious metal is uncommon and has its main purpose in the crafting of jewelry, other decorations and of course currency.  


All kinds of minerals belong to this category, among which sapphires, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. These gems are highly sought after for their value in gold and rarity. These gems can be refined into soul gems, used in enchanting, or be used directly in enchanting as well (see Mining & Refining for gem properties).  


Oil is a common material and is used mostly for its igniting properties and its water repellent properties. In wartimes the substance is often highly sought after for fire arrows and such.  


Salt is perhaps the most important material listed under this header as it is used in the conservation of food products, which comes in very handy when travelling with larger groups not able to satiate their hunger purely by hunting. It is a common material often found in crystals near coasts or underground.  


An uncommon material mainly used by elves, amber is fossilized tree resin. It can be used for its decorative purposes, used for weapon enhancement, storing magical energy, and its medicinal uses.  

Spices and Agri-products


Useful in food preparation, pepper is one of the more commonly sought spices. Though not necessarily present in an everyday kitchen, pepper is a common trading spice.  


The main product of any agriculture based society in the Westfork, grain is a common weed and cultivated by many farmers. It allows for food production on large scales.  


Though likely all households have some kind of tea, tea leaves from other continents or regions are widely imported for their exquisiteness.  


Though of course not directly cultivated, most beer must be brewed close to its sources: hop and water. As such beer is recorded as a first-hand product and is a common substance.  


Similar to beer, wine is produced close to the grape vineyards with the rapid oxidation of the grapes. As such wine is recorded as a first-hand product. Though more costly than beer, wines vary a lot in rarity and price depending on their place of produce.  


Those regions that are lucky enough to have the appropriate climate for cultivating rice are blessed. Rice is the best alternative to grain, and is cultivated in more wetland regions.  

Meat animals

This includes all animals intended for their use in meat production, for instance chickens and pigs. Cows can count among these, but can also be used for milk and leather production.  


Used for their meat, milk and for leather production, cows are commonly held on farms in the Westfork.  


A nice food export product, with fish being easily salted for long durability of the food. Fishing can be done both in salt-water and fresh water.  


While this can be obtained from many sources, sugar is a commonly transported good throughout Mundus for both conservation and as food additive.  


A more luxurious product, coffee-beans are also dried/purified at the region where they are grown before export. Coffee is a rare substance in the Westfork.  


Widely used in smoking, tobacco is highly sought after by many and is a common good.  


All drug-related things fall under this category, such as the actual opium and weed.  



A luxurious fabric produced from the skin of worms or woven by spiders, silk is an uncommon/rare material used for the fabrication of clothes. In addition, silk holds more potential for enchantments and is thus highly sought after in robe fashioning by magic users.  


While wool is not directly harvested, sheep are generally farmed for their wool and as such the resource is described here directly. Wool is a common fabric used for making general clothes, often warm coats for instance.  


Less common than wool, cotton is another fabric often used in the crafting of clothes.  


Animal hides have widespread uses from rugs to cloaks and are gathered by hunting the respective animal. As such the rarity depends on the kind of animal.  


Collected mainly from cows, leather has many purposes mainly in utilities. Apart from this, armor can be fashioned from leather, with more exotic kinds of leather (e.g. Snapper & crocodile) being more expensive.  

Building Materials


Used for building of more resilient builds, stone is a common item mined from quarries.GraniteA more sturdy version of stone, granite requires more craftsmanship to handle. The resulting buildings are however much more time resilient and prove powerful vestiges of war.  


Granite is an uncommon find, with dwarves having the expertise on handling the material.  


Used mostly for pottery, and in Essos for concrete and bricks, clay is a common resource harvested from river beds.  


A very rare stone type, marble is used in the building of exquisite objects, such as temple altars.  


A common material for building, wood is the most used material in everyday live. From furniture to hamlet homes, wood can do it.  


A stone material produced by the craftsmen of Varant, this material is uncommon in the Westfork but with it much more resilient buildings can be fashioned than with regular stone.  


The strongest material on this list, it has the potential to hold some magic power, with dark elves overall fancying the material the most.  

Export Animals


Horses hold many practical uses, mostly in farm labor or warfare by cavalry. As such selling horses can be quite profitable.  


These very rare beasts come from Arabia and are domesticated there for various purposes, among which warfare.  


Although an uncommon find in non-wilderness lands, the warg is a great hunter of the wilderness. Wargs are domesticated by various orcs & goblin tribes, allying themselves with the creatures as mounts.  


A main export product from Varant for instance, slave trade is ever present and comes in handy when building vast structures etc.  




A blueish liquid holding magical energy, Aria is used as a magical energy source. Aria has the downside of losing its potency when it is too far from its source for a longer period and as such the energy should be used quickly and efficiently once the Aria is harvested. When quickly handled however the Aria retains all its magical properties and can be used for the crafting of magnificent objects. Nevertheless, Aria is stable in handling and non-harmful to its users. The world of men often does not use Aria, but in Elven cultures it is highly sought after.  


A red liquid holding magical energy, far more potent than Aria but also far less stable. The Lyrium holds its magical potency, but comes with many side-effects, one of them being Lyrium Craze when exposed too long to the liquid. Another is its innate destability, with it proving a potent explosive when handled incorrectly (or correctly depending on the purpose). Lyrium is mostly encountered underground, thus dwarves tend to handle the liquid, building more resilience over time to the craze's effects. It is readily refined into dust, or crystallized to store its full potency.  


A rare material often thrown away by those not knowing its value. Runestone is the material used in the production of Magical Runes and is highly sought after by Runecrafters. It should be mentioned however it is not the sole component of Magical Runes, relying on another material to compose the rune's core of.  

Secondary Products


The main material used for warfare, a weapon fashioned from steel is much more durable and sharp than one made of iron. It can also be used in the crafting of armor or fine machinery.  


Used for all kinds of decorations and utilities, bronze is a valued uncommon material with many purposes.  


Used in the fashioning of clothes, textile is produced by weaving the cotton into threads and it is widely used in cloth production.  


An exquisite good fashioned from sand, glass is in high demand and the art of glass blowing is heavily protected.  


A building material fashioned from clay in Essos, concrete is an easily produced material with great resistances. It was discovered after the sacking of Valyria by the Septim Empire.  

Final Products

Weapons & Armor

Widely exported, imported and used in this world full of warfare, the value of these goods depend largely on the crafter and the material used in producing the good.  


Often fashioned from gold or silver jewelry is sought after by the rich, certainly when decorated with precious gems. Jewelers are often found in larger city, where much of the gold & silver resources are transported to.  


Although often produced locally, the rich always want exquisite goods among which furniture.   Back to Top


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