Kingdom of Atri Settlement in Mun-Dun | World Anvil

Kingdom of Atri


  The Human Kingdom of Atri is located in the eastern region of the continent of Mathir. It is home to approximately 2.1 million souls, of which the vast majority are Humans. Its capital city, Ubel is located approximately in the middle of the Kingdom, along the bank of the largest river on the continent, the Borough River. The Kingdom is bordered to the north by the Gnomish Grand Duchy of Zararia and to the northeast lies the Halfling nation of the Moratian League. To the immediate west lies the Orc Tsardom of Glazemore. To the north and also sharing a border with the Kingdom is the Elven Divine Kingdom of Iurian. To the south lies the Human Kingdom of Tardark, while to the southeast are the forbidding Iceclaws, a mountain range climbing to over 14,000' in some locations with a small Goliath Clan known as the Syrarkabe. Further to the south is the Dwarven nation known as the Dominion of Kin. Many other races are known to reside within the Kingdoms borders, especially the eastern region of the Kingdom, as this is sparsely settled and has been overtaken by the Geria Wildlands, which many locals refer to as the East Wildlands.   The Kingdom has a diverse array of habitats with a mix of scattered hardwoods, grasslands and temperate forests within the borders, most of which is on rolling hills. The lands to the west and north are relatively flat and as one travels further east it begins to climb from 500' to over 2,000' as the terrain begins to climb to meet the forbidding Iceclaw mountian range. Most of the Kingdoms agriculture is located along the large Borough River and along the capital, although a large stretch of grassland lies along the border with Tardark to the south . The Kingdom exports hardwood lumbers, animal furs and copper from its vast woodlands and proximity to the Iceclaws. Mining has been curtailed to a large degree due to infestions of monsters lurking within the Blackened Forest to the southeast.   The Kingdom is made up of six Counties which are:   Laria - Home to the Kingdom and King as well as the capital, Ubel.
  Matera - County capital is Ludid, pop. ~ 4,400.
  Verona - County capital is Pierna, pop. ~2,200.
  Geria - Considered wilderness since the Collapse, no populated settlements over 500 known.
  Betania - County capital is Oakrun, pop. ~ 900.
  Areia - County capital is Hinckburgh, pop. ~30,000. Second largest settlement in the Kingdom, located north of capital on Borough River.  


  The Kingdom venerates a polytheistic pantheon which most Human civilizations on the continent worship to various degrees. As the Kingdom lies fairly close to the religious center of the Human pantheon, that being The Republic where the Pontifex Maximus sits, the two religions therefore are fairly similiar having only slight differences in religious ceremonies.
Nations coat of Arms.  
The King & Queen of Atri seal
East Wildlands


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