Veldtwalkers Organization in Moudon | World Anvil


The Hebare's interest in the Veldt became an obsession under the leadership of Dorec Filsk. Driven to cement the sovereignty of the Hebare in the feudalistic era of Moudon and to expand their territory, Dorec had a single-minded view on the expansion of the Hebare. This expansion of their control extended to thoughts of carving out a dominion in the Veldt. The thought was that travelling the undetectable would make the Hebare the strongest among all feudal states. So, the invention of the Veldtwalkers formed.   Trained in the art of espionage and high-grade warriors, the Veldtwalkers were supposed to be the hardiest of body, mind, and soul to survive the Veldt. At the time of their conception, the Veldtwalkers were already aware of some of the dangers associated with the Veldt. As a plane that existed separate from the material by an infinitesimal veil, The Veldt was a place seen through special devices similar to diving bells but never interacted with directly. Biltes, the expert in the Veldt at the time described the Veldt as such:  
The Veldt is a place of winding darkness, like a savanna of shadows that seem both immaterial and tangible. Stalking through the reeds are hunters which hunger in a mostly barren space. These creatures appear to me nearly pitch in colour and more like indeterminate shapes than anything familiar. To traverse the Veldt is not to be done lightly but would allow a unseen corridor into the heart of city-states miles away.
  It was Biltes research that spurred Dorec's dream into the probabilty of being made real. With a seemingly unlimited budget and a sense of military backing and pride, the Veldtwalkers researched into breaching the Veldt and opening a new frontier for their dominion. At the height of their work, the Veldtwalkers had a team of 200 researchers and explorers trying to solve the problem of breaching into the Veldt in a controlled manner.   Late research, noted by espionage on the part of some of the other city-states, met with enough success to have seven memberss of the Veldtwalkers successfully make their way into the Veldt and back. One notable member, Wolla Nelorn, was lost into the Veldt. It ws in trying to extract them that the Veldtouch happened.
Expedition, Military


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