Quick Ice Technology / Science in Morova | World Anvil
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Quick Ice

I swear to all the gods in this world, if you don't procure some quick ice for the voyage, I am not putting a foot on board that ship. And before you ask- no, I don't care how much it costs, just make it happen. There's no way I'm going the entire way to Rido eating old salted pork and hardtack.

A letter from a Gemerisene noble to a ship charter company, dated 277 6c.


Quick ice was first discovered by stone miners in Gemeris in about 017 6c. Several years later, sources were also found in the Toren Isles and Jovia. This stone was limited in its use at first, as its unnatural coolness was not a widely known characteristic. Later, however, word spread of this quality, and entrepreneurs began to concoct ways in which such a product would be profitable.


Decades after its discovery, quick ice has soared in popularity all over Morova. Most of the major quarries are located in the empire of Toren-Osea, though the independent nation of Jovia offers substantial competition. It is more expensive than simple building stone, though not so expensive as to be a luxury afforded only to nobles. In fact, as delving for quick ice has become a higher priority to some governments and companies, it has become increasingly available to people of moderate income.


Quick ice is useful for one reason: it keeps things cold. Its affect increases when more is present, so one can effectively adjust the temperature by adding or removing bits of stone. It can also instantly freeze water that comes in contact with it, which is what originally earned its name. Quick ice has found popularity as a refrigeration device, keeping food items fresh or frozen for much longer than a simple cellar would. In addition to extensive use in homes, it is also extremely sought after on seafaring vessels, as it allows for fresh food to be brought on voyages where it previously was impossible. Such a quality of life improvement has made sailing a much more reasonable lifestyle in the eyes of many in Morova.
Fharyne word: varsindhan, lit. "chilled stone"

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