Race Appearance Physical / Metaphysical Law in Morlea | World Anvil

Race Appearance

As his emotions raged his skin began tingling in the familiar yet worrying way. He had been taught since he was small to hide the way he looked when that happened, but right now she was in danger and he couldn't leave her behind to get hurt in any way. He looked helplessly while his skin changed from the normal golden light brown to a more greenish tint. But he didn't have time to worry, they could still get away with her. He knew what the rest of him looked like, pointy ears, yellow pupils and the fangs were probably showing up any minute now, and he was going to use that to his own advantage. He threw himself into battle with the loudest roar he could muster and prayed that he wasn't too late.


When a child is conceived from parents of different species there is a number of ways their heritage usually manifests as the following:   The general appearance of the child is the father's species, but if the child is experiencing emotional distress characteristics from the mother's species might present themselves in varying degrees. These children also have the possibility of learning to shift between the two appearances.   In some cases, the child will naturally look like a mix of the two species, these children will have a harder time altering their appearance.

Cover image: by Ninne124


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