Nadian Cress Character in Morado | World Anvil
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Nadian Cress

Mr. Nadian Alaric Cress (a.k.a. The Wave Runner Knight)

A water Genasi young man, squire to Lions Guard Ryuma Mitsuko, and resident scoundrel in Three Point River.   He is a Father Moon Oath of the Ancients Paladin, and a Warlock of the River Lord. He swore his oath before the Dragonleaf Tree in Gateway,   During the party's time in Three Point River, he saved the twins Jevahn and Javeah from Kaspen Hush. He grew close with Ela, eventually forming a relationship with her, and currently leads the Fostered's first guild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a few scars on his back from being whipped as a slave. Otherwise, is a very active and healthy young man.

Body Features

As a Water Genasi, he constantly smells like the ocean. His hair is kelp green, and his tone is always cool and soothing. Underwater his body takes on whatever color the water is.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nadian is the bastard child of a torrid affair between Lord Ron Ortega and Lady Ron Lamperos. To save face, both families chose to overlook the affair if they gave the child up for adoption. Instead the child was given to the Shadowed Heart, who found no use for a magic-less child. Thus he was cast out as an orphan at a young age. He survived as another wretch of the Knife until he was taken in by Lieutenant Carlein Pereek. He was quickly sold to a slaver, and though he was saved by Ela, the church in which he was sent to sold him into slavery again.     He eventually escaped and lived as a vagabond for years in Alloyus. Eventually he found help in the River Lord's service, which allowed him to steal food more easily. Eventually he attempted to steal from Ryuma, who caught the boy and took him in as an apprentice. Eventually Nadian took to Ryuma's style of help, and swore an Oath of Ancients before the Dragonleaf Tree in Gateway. He was then allowed to join the Lion's Guard as Ryuma's first and only squire.   After Ryuma left to pursue Morgan, he followed after his trail but found Pereek in control of Three Point River. He stuck around, believing Pereek knew something as to why Ryuma stayed in Three Point River. After speaking with Coro'Nea, he learned of the party's plight regarding Avalissa, Jevahn and Javeyah. He aided the children in their escape and decided to stick around further to aid the party.   Since then he has taken a liking to Ela Stonetell. He learned she was the reason he was saved from Pereek as a child. He has since fallen for her.   After ousting Pereek from Three Point River, he currently works helping keep order in town. Squashing the remnants of the Sparrow Guard, as well as ensuring relations between the White Stag Clan and the Alloyan townsfolk remain smooth.

Gender Identity

Sees himself as staunchly male.


Heteroflexible, with a higher lean toward hetero sexuality.


What little education he had was informally imparted upon him by Ryuma and the Lion's Guard. Everything else he's learned through trial and error, or being a survivalist at heart.


Currently employed as a Lionsguard in Alloyus. Does not have an active source of income.

Morality & Philosophy

The world has many cruel things, but as long as we're still alive we can find things worth living for.   Songs and stories exist to help us be better people.   Authority without respect to the governed people's dignity needs can only be viewed as tyranny.


Religious Views

Is a devoted believer of the Father Moon.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Unofficial sheriff of Three Point River
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Squire to Ryuma Mitsuko
  • The Blue Devil - former nickname in Three Point River
  • The Wave Runner - current nickname in Three Point River
Date of Birth
Gusterus 3rd,
Circumstances of Birth
Born a bastard of a torrid affiar involving the Ron Ortega and Ron Lamperos family.
Alveron, Ferox
Current Residence
Three Point River
Emerald green
Algae green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ocean blue
170 lbs
A Devotee of the Father Moon
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Feroxi Cuprum Druidic Astrolenga Zealor

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