Arakan Harloff Character in Morado | World Anvil
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Arakan Harloff

Arakan Nuri Harloff

"What's the point? You can't change their minds with truth. You can't fill a full cup. And even if they did change their mind about me, i'll only ever be 'one of the good ones.' "
    Talented son of the Harloff Family. Has become a bit of a social pariah, more so since the recent events involving Los Canteros.   Is talented in the ways of magic, and is studying to become a full fledged wizard. He has a lizard familiar named Ouroboros.   Is a Fallen Aasimar.   After Gusterus 21st, 130 FE, he chose to train as a Bladesinger. He is studying the blade by his mother's tutelage and further studying magic with his father.    

Relationship to the Party:

  Kazimier - Initially he was unsure of Kazimier, for he seemed nothing like how his father described him. Now he understands and wishes to be strong like Kazimier.   Malopher - He appreciates Malopher's insight, and wishes to be as aloof and unfettered as he.   Robin - Appreciates her candor, and knowing she exists is has done wonders for his self image.     Theme Song: Angels of the Silences, by Dashboard Confessional.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Arakan does not see the significance of dressing according to one's genitals. Nor do they feel like how one presents themselves matters, as long and they're not hurting anyone.   Will likely identify as Non-Binary, but currently does not have the words for it.


Tutored by Manifred in magic. Now undergoing tutelage by both his father and mother.

Mental Trauma

Tur'Peratos, disguised as Manifred De Veli, was slowly chipping away at their sanity. When he revealed himself fully, Tur'Peratos caused Arakan to break emotionally and mentally.   They are still undergoing some rough trauma, but they're in a place where they can work through it, rather than avoid it.   He is still ostracized by most people in town, but a majority of the younger Faircaster citizens see him as a confidant and ally.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Understands magical theory.
  • Loves puzzles.
  • Has difficulty talking to women.
  • Is rather socially anxious.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
18th of Juneus
Year of Birth
115 F.E. 15 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
When he was born, the crops in his village grew twice their usual size overnight.
Nastukage, Aurumo
Current Residence
Faircaster, Alloyus
Grey blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 Lbs

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