Fishery and Eelery District Settlement in Mythrite | World Anvil

Fishery and Eelery District

The Grayflow River on which Mythrite is situated is home to a large and hearty population of cutthroat and rainbow trout and the swamps and wetlands are full of a unique species of eel that has acclimated to the high elevation. As such, these creatures provide a great deal of protein for the settlers. The fish tend to be small, fast, and flavorful, whereas the eels are the opposite, being thick, relatively slow compared to their lower-elevation relations, and much blander as well.   Fishing and eeling are often done as an odd job by people looking to make some quick cash but a few people are trying to make a living off this labor. The financial return on effort is better with many other occupations. Fishmongers purchase the live catch and resell them at The Market and to the finer restaurants in the Entertainment District. Fish oils and extracts are also valuable to some of the Guild services. There are also services for preserving fish by salting or smoking in this area.   The Fishery and Eelery is far less busy than the fishmarkets in the big cities on the coast but still does steady business. Its combined smells of fish and unpleasant odors wafting from the swap keep people away, and many stalls and shops have standing orders for delivery.
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