Fellow Fair Fletchers Building / Landmark in Mythrite | World Anvil

Fellow Fair Fletchers

Fellow Fair Fletchers is an association of (mostly human) fletchers of all skill levels. Founded shortly after Mythrite became big news, Fellow Fair Fletchers aimed to adopt the good aspects of guilds, and rid themselves of the bad ones. Fletchers from all walks of life are welcome to come in to the location, situated in the Market, and sell their own wares. Fellow Fair Fletchers takes only a small cut of sales, just enough to maintain upkeep.   Many of the fletchers who sell here care more about the craft than about the money; as such, some have decided to pool their salesmoney together and fund educational classes for fletching, where both youth and elderly are welcome to learn how best to make fletchings for arrows.   Fletchers are in control of their own pricing, which allows the market to be competitively diverse. Anyone looking for cheap or high quality arrows is likely to find what they need here, mostly for a fair price. Many of the fletchers will, for a fee, repair any arrow with busted fletching.   A common saying among these fletchers is "You can only buy arrows that can fly!"
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