Aravae Valsatra Character in Mythrite | World Anvil

Aravae Valsatra

Aravae Valsatra is the oldest elf of six children at age 100. Tall and extremely slender with dirty blonde hair reaching to the middle of her back and a small pointy nose that almost disappears into her face, she is the spitting image of her late mother. Being the oldest sibling, Aravae has always taken on a bit of a caregiver role and oftentimes dresses the part--long, plain dresses with little to set her apart. Sometimes she will wear several pieces of traditional elven jewelry, specifically those left to her by her grandmothers and great-grandmothers. She also makes this jewelry by trade, as a working-class glassblower, selling her pieces in Reverie at various Merchant shops.   After her parents' deaths returning from Mythrite intending to find a new home for the family, Aravae Valsatra honored her parent’s memories by packing up her siblings and taking them there herself. Her parents believed that they could all lead better, stable lives in the new town of Mythrite. As the only remaining adult of the family, Aravae felt it was her responsibility to see to her late parent’s wishes.   Aravae and her siblings live in the elvish settlement Reverie, with many elves they know from their old neighborhood. Aravae makes glass jewelry to sell to merchants who visit her guild. While she does not have a shop of her own, she occasionally delivers her goods to Arneah, a friend from her old neighborhood who now has her own shop in Mythrite, to sell for her. Her skills allow her to sell enough to make ends meet, but also to design customizable jewelry to trade for goods from other residents. While Aravae has always been sentimental, she became even more so after arriving in Mythrite. Many of her pieces are designed to look like those her mother used to wear. She makes sure to keep belongings of her late parents in the main room of the house so that her siblings always have a constant reminder of where they came from and why they are where they are. She spends any free time she has teaching her younger sisters how to make the same kind of jewelry. She is strict about upholding Elven holidays and traditions, which endears her to the older population in Reverie.    While there are many new members of the guild, Aravae is not really the friend-making type. She is often referred to as crisp--she will smile and be polite, but she will likely not go out of her way to be friendly. This trait helps her in business dealings, as she is confident and to-the-point, making it hard to barter with. Her quiet but strong-willed attitude leads many to compare her to Thasinia Neridi, the first settler in Reverie. Though she rarely talks to any of the other settlers, Thasinia did meet Aravae’s mother during her brief visit to find a home in Mythrite, and as a result, has a soft spot for the children. After six quiet months making a decent living for her and the siblings, Aravae is happy with her decision to move to Mythrite, and hopes it continues to grow as a community.


Cormac Eoin


Towards Aravae Valsatra


Aravae Valsatra


Towards Cormac Eoin


Wealth & Financial state

Working class
Current Location
Date of Birth


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