Wilcock Suddicke, Wizard and Psionicist Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Wilcock Suddicke, Wizard and Psionicist

Wilcock Suddicke

Wilcock is a highly talented young Wizard with mastery of the Psionic Discipline of Psychometry. He can divine information about the past by touching an object or person. His talent is such he can passively read traumatic past events, and he gains more precise details when he focuses or enters a trance.

He is inquisitive and seems good-natured.

Physical Description

Special abilities

A Diviner and Psionicist with talents in Disembodiment, Clairvoyance, Sensitivity, and an innate master level in Psychometry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Youngest of a large Tailors family, Wilcock displayed "magical" abilities at an early age. This was the first manifestation of his Psionic powers bringing him to the attention of Wizards Guild. He was apprenticed to the Odivshe (Water) Wizard Kailrun. While teaching him the basics of magic Kailrun soon identified the talented lad needed specialty instruction. He grudgingly passed his training on to the Wizards of the Savorya School of Magic so that his psionic talents could be fully actualized.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly Intelligent.


Contacts & Relations

Member of the Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore.

Member of the Savorya Wizards Convocation.

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles

A Journeyman wizard (Satia-Mavari) of the Savorya Convocation.

Year of Birth
697 TR 30 Years old
Split Green and Blue

Character Portrait image: Wilcock Suddicke, art by Attacus


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