Vlasta - the Eater of Eyes in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Vlasta - the Eater of Eyes

Much of the inspiration and details was developed from Colombia Games information.

One of the most common of Ilivir creations. These small reptiles are much feared due to their voracious desire to eat the eyes of their prey. They think nothing of mobbing humans, even at a great cost of their own lives, to obtain such a tasty delicacy.

Vlasta are encountered in caverns and the nearby surface terrain in groups of 2 to 12. They feed mainly on small rodents but will attack creatures as large as a man. They attack larger victims by leaping at the face hoping to devour an eye or two.

Vlasta have short life spans, only living to an age of around 6 years. As they grow older, their metabolism speeds up, and they will burn themselves out unless they are killed in combat.

Pathfinder 2E stat block on Foundry VTT.
Vlasta, Foundry VTT sheet prepared by Attacus.

Cover image: Vlasta, art by Attacus


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