The Company of the Golden Eagle Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

The Company of the Golden Eagle

A mercenary company with a good reputation was originally founded in Melderyn but recently relocated to Kaldor.

Captain Kayldor Mayda leads around 30 soldiers based out of a barracks in the Medrik district of the City of Tashal. They are well equipped and, to date, mostly used as guards for high-value trade caravans and nobles. However, Sir Mayda has made it clear that the Golden Eagles are willing to fight in the event of a conflict, such as a civil war.

Notable Members

Captain Kayldor Mayda 

Captain Mayda, art by Playground AI
A former member of the Melderyni Royal High Guard member. This experienced knight wields the battlesword Hailstorm forged by Master Weaponcrafter Yebisi Netoshi of the The Forge of Eternity.

Honor and Reliability

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Related Ethnicities

Character flag image: Golden Eagle, art by Attacus


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