Session 302 - The Twilight Calamity Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 302 - The Twilight Calamity

General Summary

23rd to 30th of Larane 726TR

The Story So Far

Dryueh is investigating the mysterious disappearance of elves in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

In the Kathela Hills, he has discovered evidence of a murder. An elf has been sacrificed in a magical ritual called the Essence of Sinad, which drains the life force of the elf, creating a potion that restores youth to a mortal.

This is the continuation of Session 301 - Elven Ashes.

Location - Ancient Ruins in the Kathela Hills in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Orc Horde

As the party prepares to leave the crime scene, dozens of Orcs emerge from the forest. The ferocious mob attacks, shooting bows and throwing spears into the party, attacking from two sides. Fortunately, Valeria's Animated Assault causes loose rocks, bricks, and wood from the ruins to fly around, bashing many of the foulspawn. Dryueh and Rycon swiftly eliminate the rest.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 2 - Essence of Sinad

Lady Bresyn, art by Artbreeder
The adventurers return to the City of Tashal and research the malevolent Essence of Sinad ritual spell.

Dryueh consults with Lady Bresyn Risai, a member of the secretive Order of the White Hand charged with dealing with magic users who abuse sorcery. She is unsure what the Essence of Sindad is, so she asks advice from a mutual associate, the White Hand operative Khâl, the dwarven metal and fire wizard. He is eager to help his friends.

Khâl, by Artbreeder
Khâl knows of the Essence of Sinad from his fellow White Hand operative Arrilion, an elven wizard. This evil ritual drains an elf of life and blood, making an elixir that will make a mortal younger. The ritual requires three participants, a skilled arcane spellcaster to weave the magic, a physician to slowly bleed a captive elf, and an alchemist to prepare elixirs to aid the transformation of the elf's blood.

Khâl also volunteers to add enchantments to the hero's weapons as a thank-you for helping him avoid a cunning trap and almost certainly saving his life (refer to Session 292 - A Trap For A Fire Wizard).

After the meeting, Druyeh spends some time on the city streets and back alleyways investigating whether there are rumors or reported sightings of people becoming younger or even strangely acting physicians or alchemists. He receives reports of one such healer and plans to look into it but gets distracted.

Lady Bresyn also sheds some light on another mystery. Rycon's lady friend Dame Afaewynn Barthy's late husband died during a hunting accident; he suspects foul play. Ever the mistress of gossip, Lady Bresyn tells Rycon that Dame Afaewynn's husband was due to take up a role as one of the bodyguards to the Earl of Kiban. She has noted that the earl has become somewhat more "Erratic" of late and is positioning his family as a serious claim to the throne when the king passes. The earl has reinforced this claim with the recent marriage of his heir to the king's grandniece.

Part 3 - The Twilight Calamity.

Last week, Valeria met with the traveling band of the Night People at the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry and agreed to show the clan's matriarch the strange book she had acquired when she gained her shadow powers. The gypsy folk have recently arrived at Tashal to peddle potions, some genuine, some only colored water, and tell fortunes. The camp's seer Madame Lenora views the book with interest; titled The Twilight Calamity, it is written in an old version of Elbythian, the Night People's preferred tongue. It contains lore and details of the Plane of Shadows or Shadowlands and the great Shadow Dragon called Zynkayda, also called the Twilight Calamity. The tome also contains many spells, including rituals to open magical gateways or create shadowy replicas of people.

The knowledge in this book is invaluable; however, the Night Folk are, by tradition, unwilling to teach Valeria their language. Fortunately, Madame Lenora has a possible solution which Valeria agrees to without hesitation. Valeria will return the Twilight Calamity to the Night People when she has no further use for it. Madame Lenora tells Valeria that her grandson, Narvo, is living nearby. He is a shavkh (outcasted) from the clan after he married an outsider. The young man lives nearby and works for the chandler Raald of Aquala of the House of Wonders. Narvo may be willing to teach her how to read Elbythian.

Part 4 - The House of Wonders

Raald, art by Artflow
The party travels to Shala House, a suburb south of the city walls containing a royal residence, much of the kingdom's tax-collecting bureaucracy, the offices of the Royal Inquisitor General, and also serves as the city's secondary port. This district also has many commercial buildings, including the House of Wonders. The party meets with the owner, Master Chandler Raald of Aqualon, who Dryueh recognizes has some elven blood. His shop is an eclectic collection of curiosities, ancient jarinese pots and goods, elven glasswork, a few dwarven-made wares, and many items of unknown, possibly dubious origin.

Narvo, art by Artflow
Narvo is working in the back office. He would be interested in assisting Valeria; however, teaching the fundamentals of the Elbythian language will require time, which will take away from his employment, which involves collecting and acquiring merchandise for the House of Wonders. If he were to help, he would expect occasional assistance from the party to deal with problems. The party agrees, and as it happens, they are given their first assignment.

He employs a band of salvagers, Griffen's Diggers, to collect goods from the lost ancient jarinese settlements off the marshy east side of the river near Kiban. They are based at Vareth Manor, near the Town of Kiban. The Digger's leader, Altaar of Griffen, has yet to report back. Something may have happened. Could the party please investigate?

Location - Town of Kiban in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 5 - Stingers

Serolan Ceowald Arnkel.png
Ceowald Arnkel, art by Artbreeder
On the road to the Town of Kiban, the party is waylaid by Giant Wasps but easily defeats the hazard. Dryueh collects some of the venom from the huge insects' stingers.

At Kiban, Rycon catches up with his friend Serolan Ceowald Arnkel. The high priest confirms Lady Bresyn's view on the Earl of Kiban. The powerful noble, at lease in Serolan Ceowald's opinion, continues to make what appears to be arbitrary decisions of late. The party can't help but notice that the construction of the settlement's walls is rapidly accelerated since the party last visited.

The priest also mentions that the Basilica of King Aidrik IV, Tashal's grand cathedral, will host a Soylana Assembly next week. This meeting of senior Order of the Lady of Paladins knights will discuss the reprehensible Solora Crusade and the proposal to found a new Fighting Order. Rycon will be asked to tell the assembly of his experiences in the crusade.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Lady Bresyn Risai.


Raald of Aquala - the owner of the House of Wonders.

Narvo the Outcast.

Ceowald Arnkel, High Priest.


2 x Orc Mobs.

4 x Giant Wasps.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Essence of Sinad.

The House of Wonders.

Related Reports

City of Tashal - Updated, added the Shala House District.

Night People.

Order of the White Hand.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L6 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L6 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L6 Thief Rogue - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 303 - The Maid of Vareth.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
31 Jul 2023
Primary Location

The Twilight Calamity

Valeria's mysterious book. 
Book, art by Playground AI


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