Moon Elves Species in Mirthae | World Anvil
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Moon Elves

Basic Information


Their ears are rather long, and usually curved into a crescent shape

Growth Rate & Stages

They largely track growth rate in terms of the colour of their skin. Many believe that it’s a natural process for their skin to turn blue with age, and so view childhood as having regular dark skin, adolescence as the skin changing to blue in splotches around the body, adulthood as their bodies being completely blue, and their elderly years as when their skin fades to a silvery blue. There’s very few moon elf settlements that track growth rate through age, but most don’t recognise the concept of time and age through numbers.

Ecology and Habitats

They can adapt to live in any environment, whether freezing or burning, dry or humid. Some think they may even be able to live under water!

Dietary Needs and Habits

They’re herbivores. They take advantage of their great powers to grow crops easily.

Biological Cycle

Through the warmer months, they only have the hair on their heads (sometimes including eyebrows and eyelashes, but sometimes they completely shed in Summer. They don’t have peach fuzz during this time either). As it becomes cooler, they start growing facial and body hair. During Winter, they’re almost entirely covered in hair.


They have an oddly calm demeanour to them as adults. No one's really sure if it’s part of their natural psychology or if it’s just their magical abilities, but they don’t exhibit signs of trauma whatsoever. They can as children, before being inducted into Lady Merthicz’ religion.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In their society, everyone is considered equal, except for those who are considered outsiders and don't worship Lady Merthicz. Although mostly everyone is equal, elders are considered more important.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They're found very sparsely all over Mirthae, but can mostly be found in less densely populated regions, preferring solitude from outsiders.

Average Intelligence

On average, they're very intelligent. They tend to be blessed with knowledge by Lady Merthicz herself.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Moon elves have a very high sense of magic, especially through their connection to the planet. By many, they’re considered to be like gods, almost like demigods.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their first names are based off of the seeds they release when they bleed. Last names are commonly named after the settlement they, or their family, originated from. Middle names are assigned to the elves once they reach adolescence, and are old enough to begin working. Middle names are given as a way to identify the role each elf serves within their settlements, and is the only part of a name that can be changed.

Gender Ideals

They don’t recognise gender whatsoever, and gender expression for that matter.

Courtship Ideals

When they reach adulthood, Lady Merthicz will assign them a life long partner based off of their interests, their roles, and compatibility overall. Marriage is mandatory, though it doesn’t necessarily mean that the couple has to be in love romantically or sexually.   For dating outside of marriage, interested elves will spend a week with each other in the wilderness to get to know each other. They follow specific clues within the environment around to let them know they’re compatible enough to date.

Relationship Ideals

Moon elves believe in polyamorous relationships. While they are monogamous, dating more than one person at a time is seen as very normal and even encouraged to deepen the bonds elves have with each other.

Common Etiquette Rules

Moon elves are expected to not show much emotion except in specific circumstances; believing it to be rude for example, by crying in front of others if a major event hasn’t occurred. They’re taught from a young age to master their emotions, even teaching them magic that will help them suppress it if needed.

Common Dress Code

More often than not, they favour clothing bright in colour with different intricate patterns weaved into the fabric.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

For eons, they’ve kept the same cultural practises and beliefs, with very little variations from settlement to settlement. It has evolved slightly, to allow outsiders to live among them, but still view many of their practises to be closed to non moon elves, their religion especially.


Moon elves originated from the Moon, hence the name. Lady Merthicz moved them down to Mirthae sometime after the Lynç elves settled in, using them to keep an eye on the elves, and help guide them to not be so compliant to Lord Lyr’s monoculture. That didn’t work very well as the moon elves also have a monoculture. Or, grow into a monoculture as they age.   After quite a number of kingdoms threatened the moon elves, they decided to isolate themselves under Merthicz’ request, and more focus on keeping the planet alive and healthy when Lynç elves were messing with it to advance their tech.   They became largely known of through Highking Änøy, who accidentally got lost and stumbled into one of their villages, and coming out a changed man who supported the ivierae. Since then they have somewhat started interacting with the outsiders, mostly only going as far as to give aid to farmers and to give wisdom to those willing to learn. They slowly started becoming more and more open to outsiders, even allowing them to stay within their settlements temporarily. It wasn’t until satyrs migrated to Symilf and experienced horrible hardships that they started allowing certain groups to permanently reside within their settlements.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They don’t share particularly strong views about one species or another. They understand people are radically different from one another, and don’t have the privilege that they do to be guided by Lady Merthicz herself.   They do however, tend to have less patience with humans and will often choose to not interact with them at all. They usually only do if the humans prove themselves to be good-hearted. It can be a challenge for Highkings to then develop a relationship with the various settlements, as quite a number of them are very malicious. As such, the Star Lake Village has been given permission to either shorten or lengthen the lifespan of a Highking by the Goddess of the Moon.
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
As children they have regular flesh coloured skin tones, usually ranging in the darker side. As they grow up their skin turns blue.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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