Creccio Organization in Mirthae | World Anvil
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They’re largely highly elitist and conservative. They believe Lord Lyr will return to reclaim what belongs to him and bring about the extermination of ivierae kind.

Public Agenda

They’re just here to look pretty and bring back the old ways (even though Duke Recche doesn’t)


Olespi Muttri , as well as everything on it and living in it, including other high elf citizens.


After the disappearance of their god, they were lost. At least until a group of analogous coloured high elves proclaimed that if people listened to them, Lord Lyr would be pleased with their continued faith in him when he returns.   Originally the Creccio was a large polycule family of analogous coloured elves, but they decided to expand to allow anyone with a similar colour scheme to join the family- which completely changed high elves’ view of family to mean what colour scheme your gems follow. Since then they’ve held complete power over the citizens of Olepsi Muttri, learning what they can from their elders who lived long before the ivierae arrived on Mirthae.

Demography and Population

The population in the current year is 1,005,061 permanent residents.   80% of the citizens are high elves, 15% are ivierae, and 5% are


All of Olepsi Muttri, as well as a large swath of land beneath the floating island.
Political, Family
Alternative Names
Pretty Colours
Family Leader
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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