Minzur Character in Mirios | World Anvil
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Minzur was once a mortal Niranni who led one of the warbands that helped conquer the City when he was a young man. It is said he was a great warrior who was feared and respected by Niranni and Elf. It is said he wielded a great sword with a blunt tip named Unisakeros (Frost Chieftain), used before and during the city's conquest. Unisakeros is an artifact revered in modern times as a significant artifact of the God Min'zur, with it said that it can freeze the entire strait around Faenradama with a single swing. Decades after the conquest, he left the city, venturing eastward in search of foes to fight and monsters to kill. He would spend ten years out in the world wandering from Icy Ukoraumar to the Warms Sands of Anosfae, From the Lands of Thadia to the Rivers of Gendur.


Unisakeros - The Great Sword of Minzur. It has a blunt tip and a layer of frost crawling up the blade. It is said that Minzur would use this blade to freeze the strait, allowing the Niranni host to cross and conquer Faenradama.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Eradication of Evil.
  • Preventing the Silencing of the Song.
  • Protection of the Mirathae people.
Divine Classification


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