White Chalk Material in Mirateia | World Anvil

White Chalk

White chalk is a soft white porous rock that can be found in certain places in Central Dercia. The chalk that can be found in Central Dercia is unlike the chalk found in other parts of Dercia, this chalk can be ground down into a more refined powder than other chalks.   Before chalk began to be used in houses, the main usage of the chalk was for painting by some of the cultures that live in Central Dercia like the Dai people.


Material Characteristics

White dusty rock.

Geology & Geography

Usually found in deposits and is visible where the soil has been eroded but can also be mined.

History & Usage


The white chalk found in Central Dercia have over the last few years been used to help extent the lifespand of the houses in Shagar.


It has been known as long as people have been around in Central Dercia although it's only recently that large-scale usage has begun, until then it was mostly cut into small pieces and used as markers.

Everyday use

Today it's used to create a white paste there is then put on the wooden walls of the buildings in Shagar.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Some of the cultures that call Central Dercia home use the white chalk in ritualistic and cultural markings.


Before the chalk can be used it will first have to be turned into a very fine powder, this is achieved by a machine that at first was a slightly modified millstone but over the years it has developed into a more sophisticated machine that can make the powder even finer.


The workers that work with the machine producing the powder are required to wear masks to prevent the dust in getting into the lungs.


Trade & Market

The trade with the chalk is very local, it's limited to the area around Shagar between the miners and the population of the town.
Somewhat common
dusty smell mixed with the smell of fine dirt
Common State
Related Locations

Cover image: by James St. John


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