In the Starlighters Pantheon the goddess Felicitas is the goddess of fertility and she embodies the prosperity, fertility and fortune that the mortals seek, she is worshipped as a guardian of abundance and her temples stand as places were celebration and prayer and were citizens seek her favour for bountiful harvests, healthy pregnancies and thriving enterprises.
In murals and sculptures, Felicitas is often depicted adorned with symbols of plenty and happiness, likewise, many of her statues portray her holding a cornucopia overflowing with fruits and grains and they are often surrounded by symbols of wealth and growth.
Festivals in her honour are lively affairs, marked by feasts, dances, and offerings to invoke her blessings. During these celebrations, people bring offerings of crops, flowers, and tokens representing prosperity with the hopes of winning the favour of the goddess.
While Felicitas is the goddess of fertility she is often worshipped alongside Gigia and Solaria and these three are often included in each other's prayers. In some cities, their temples are even located near each other.
Many people see her as an important goddess but despite her importance in the life of the mortals, the goddess herself tends to keep to herself and rarely shows herself preferring to bestow blessings from afar or through avatars. The few times she has shown herself to some of her chosen ones, she has said that one of the main reasons that she tends to keep a distance from the daily life of the mortals like some of the other deities tend to do, is that she believe that the mortals should guide themself and make their own paths and decisions and when needed she prefer to guide subtly from afar.
Divine Classification
Golden eyes that emanate warmt
Long, flowing hair the color of wheat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A soft, luminescent complexion with a golden glow
Varies depending on time and place.
I like her, I would definitely worship her.
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