Walter Canterbury Character in Minelara | World Anvil

Walter Canterbury

Walter Canterbury (a.k.a. The Whip)

Walter "The Whip" Canterbury is the former harbormaster in Castleport. He was replaced by Matilde Carson when the South Wind Trading Company took over.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Walter "the Whip" Canterbury has lived in Castleport his entire life. Strong as an ox but with the temperament of a housecat, it wasn't until the region's shipping lanes were overrun by pirates that he started spending his spare time working his bull whip and getting eyes in the sky, via his trusty falcon Chipper.    He managed the harbor successfully for years, but eventually the pirate problem grew overwhelming. When the South Wind Trading Company moved in and the pirate problem dissipated, Walter was replaced by the much younger and more inexperienced Matilde Carson  Walter wasn't sold on Matilde's ability to handle the pirate problem, and began to spy on her and the rest of the South Wind Trading Company using his falcon.


Walter used to work as Castleport's harbormaster until he was replaced. Since then, he has become obsessive in his efforts to prove that something is awry with the South Wind Trading Company.

Personality Characteristics


Walter seeks to prove that the South Wind Trading Company isn't what it seems and that it actually working with the pirates from Garby Haven.
Current Status
Current Location
Known Languages
Common, Thieves' Cant

Cover image: Seaside Castle by Gavin O'Donnell


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