Oak Springs Farm Building / Landmark in Minelara | World Anvil

Oak Springs Farm

Oak Springs Farm is a small estate located about a kilometer outside of Llethy along the banks of the Arching Creek. It is owned by Medarin Clubs and has been in his family since the time of his grandfather, but has fallen into disrepair over the past few years.


Oak Springs Farm was built by Medarin Clubs' grandparents and served as the family farm for several decades. During its time, it grew mainly barley and various kinds of gourds, such as pumpkins and squash. It was never overly profitibable, and the family spent many years just eaking out an existence. When Medarin's parents died in 1420 and 1424, they left the farm to him. However, by that point he had moved on to a more lucrative career working for the South Wind Trading Company and was unable, or unwilling, to take care of the property. It has since largely fallen into disrepair.
Parent Location

Cover image: Seaside Castle by Gavin O'Donnell


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