Thespaeia Settlement in Mindosza, Age of Dawnbreakers | World Anvil
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The Thespian Capital City Thespaeia stands as a monument to the cultural advances of their pre-convergence people. The entry to this vast underground Haven is lined with great pillars and statues of old, long forgotten heroes. Having heeded the warning signs of the upcoming Convergence, the thespian people were able to create a not only functional but also sufficiently grandiose underground network that housed its people during the convergence.

  However, being a deply divided people due to the cast system, a lot of unrest went with the locked down period. As most nobleborn and members of the clergy tried to hold on to their positions, trying to lord over members of lower casts, they came to realize that they were outnumbered vastly and had no real power, other than the very idea of power. At some point however the lower casts came to realize this and managed to overthrow the system, replacing it with a democratic system, that was able to more evenly distribute the - at times - few ressources Thespaeia had to survive on.

  Once the gates opened, the people that left the haven were very different from the people that entered. Former members of the noble classes either reintegrated into the system or left to find their luck elsewhere, while most Thespian people went on to found cities near the haven or at sea or near rivers, leading to a relatively big network of smaller and bigger towns, compared to other parts of the land.
Underground / Vault
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