Elniana Rhorellian Character in Midrial | World Anvil

Elniana Rhorellian


Elniana- A History of Excellence Elniana Gennyian Rohrellian was born in 824 of Dwilkas Rohrellian and Pakori Haku. She breathed her first breath of life in the Hall of the Divine in Genneyonne. Her father had married his cousin, Pakori, not long before Elniana’s conception. Dwilkas was pressured to conceive a child early on, as advisors were not confident in his ability to rule and hoped to raise a child more capable than he. Dwilkas was only able to conceive one child.   Elniana was just 4 when her father was assassinated. She did not cry when told. She had been playing in the palace garden when she received the news. She nodded and gracefully excused herself. She later confessed that she cried in the privacy of her bed chamber, but not in front of her royal cabinet. Otto Legran, head of House Legran at the time, and Dwight Rohrellian, became her caretakers. Otto took into his own hands the war effort. Dwight rose Elniana as her own. Elniana learned manners and the way an emperess should behave. Dwight always had a concern that she did not have time to grow and play as a young girl should.   Elniana became a friend of the people in her teenage years. She would tend to the smaller issues; the ones that she could handle. She quickly grew in favor, more so than any other Rohrellian before her. By the time of her 18th birthday in 842, she had restored the people’s faith in the family name. During her coronation ceremony, an attack occurred on some ships just south of the city. She gracefully rose from the throne, and masterfully orchestrated a counterstrike, sinking an entire Halian fleet. The following years of her rule were devoted to quelling the Halian attacks and ending the war. She had to raise taxes on the people, but because of her favor, they complained very little and supported the war effort as best they could. Elniana ended the war just 5 days before her 19th birthday. Otto Legran, seeing that his work was done, went into retirement with his husband Dwight.   Having already accomplished much in her very short time on the throne, Elniana then ushered in the Golden Age of the Rohrellian empire. For nearly 100 years, there were no internal or external conflicts in Rohrellia. She turned her attention inward, allocating money to the growth of education, art, military strength, and culture.   On a trip to visit her foster parents in Idenmount, she met a man named En Stillvale. En was a high elf, a member of a House long forgotten by the people of the Empire. Regardless, his charm captured her heart. They married within the year. In 903, Elniana gave birth to Percerian, her first son.   In the year 999, a new threat appeared to the south: The Valiant Crusade. Disrupting trade routes, the VC was but a nuisance at first. Scouts from the empire were able to determine that the VC hailed from Khecisia, a sizable landmass to the distant south. Elniana wasted no time in putting down the foreign threat. The VC, seeing that the Rohrellian empire was not to be trifled with, turned its attention to the somewhat untamed Merriby West. In 1087, the VC began to strike ships headed south from the continent. Being so disconnected, Merriby West was woefully underprepared when the VC destroyed Ortholo in 1241. A page is missing, torn from the book with precision   Elniana had not lost sight of herself, however. In 1240, she gave birth to Rolan, her third son. Inconveniently for the empire, Halis was growing in instability. Scouts reported internal conflict, and refugees were beginning to flee. Elniana relocated incoming refugees to Owroral Island and placed more forces along the border. Seeing the damage done in Ortholo, Elniana also declared war on the naval power that was the Valiant Crusade, wiping them out entirely by 1248 and reestablishing peace. Elniana stepped down from the throne shortly after. Her eldest son, Percerian, took the crown.    



Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Elniana Rhorellian



Elniana Rhorellian

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Mirafalor




The pair met shortly before Elniana became empress.

Lucyan Blackfyre

Associate (Important)

Towards Elniana Rhorellian


Elniana Rhorellian

Associate (Important)

Towards Lucyan Blackfyre


Elniana Rhorellian


Towards Percerian Rhorellian


Percerian Rhorellian


Towards Elniana Rhorellian


Elniana Rhorellian


Towards En Stillvale

En Stillvale


Towards Elniana Rhorellian

Dwight Rhorellian

Adoptive Father (Vital)

Towards Elniana Rhorellian



Elniana Rhorellian

Adopted Daughter (Vital)

Towards Dwight Rhorellian



Former empress of Rohrellia

  Elniana circa 1176
Current Location
Year of Birth
824 ACS 426 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
En Stillvale (spouse)
5' 10"
130 lbs