Lorei Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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"Beware the blue expanse.
Its calming visage from shore,
and dreams of what lies beyond.
Be prepared for its challenge,
its destructive nature,
its endless depths,
and pray the Queen of the Ocean has mercy on your soul.

Seek shelter on land,
for hers is the weather,
the wind and rain,
snow and cloud.
She nurtures,
as well as ruins,
for that is her cycle."

Lorei (also known as "the Ocean Queen") is one of the prime deities in the Eldar pantheon. She is recognized as the goddess of the sea and storms. She is the sister of Lora and Luna.   Lorei is known as an unaligned force of nature, making no distinction between who sails across her seas or why, she takes it as a challenge. She unleashes storms and cracking waves upon those who would provoke her, eager and proud to show her power. Many speculate that her ruthless methods may be an attempt to shield marine life from the influence and interference of people. While many gods pay attention to the civilizations on land, she cares for those in the deep and many do not realize that her domain is a dozen times larger than the domain of man.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lorei's primary symbol is that of a blue crescent shield with a white clam shell at its centre. Blue represents sea. White represents clouds. The clam shell represents marine life.

Tenets of Faith

Lorei is an advocate for destruction, power and regularly exemplifying that power, all within the boundaries of nature. She wants to be an example of power and takes pride and joy in gaining followers who wish to devote themselves to her teachings and adopt her tempest methods to use for their own. She has no written or sited promise of an afterlife, but her followers believe that after death they will become one with the sea and storms.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Lorei desires to care for marine life while upholding the menacing image of the ocean. She wishes to see the cultures of the sea thrive and remain undisturbed by the intrusions of surface dwellers. But as much as she dislikes the surface, she controls all precipitation and is bound to keep that cycle, lest her sisters domain would wither. Although she keeps very much to her own affairs, she worries for the fate of the cosmos and she wishes to summon a wave so gargantuan that it will flood the entirety of the Nether and wipe out its evils. And speaking of politics, she does support the abolition of the afterlife.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity


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