Session 31: Hunt for the Throne pt.6 Report Report in Midgard | World Anvil
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Session 31: Hunt for the Throne pt.6 Report

General Summary

After their fight with the mummies, the party was not looking to waste more time. Loaded down with treasure and already wounded from their battles, they decide to push on. Glebnor, afflicted by the mummy rot, retreated to their bottle as the party preceded onward. Another winding hallway led them to a staircase leading upward. At the base of the stairs was a lever. Azid commanded his remaining zombie, OJ, to pull the lever. This opened the stone door at the top of the stairs and allowed them to exit.

The Throne of Tamoachan

The staircase took them up to the top of the pyramid and into a ruined temple of the ancient god Tamoachan. Immediately, they noticed two things. The first was a hole where it appeared that something significant had been ripped out of the stone floor. The second was another draconic statue with its hands crushing the throat of Crucelia. Azid dropped a powerful spell on the area to try and destroy anything living within it, but after ten minutes of concentrating, nothing revealed itself. Kouvian approached the site and said something shiny was in the hole.
 Geasle went up to the statue with the spell down. Like the others, it was highly lifelike. He saw that Crucelia had stabbed the figure in the heart, and the stone seemed to have formed around it. Geasle pulled the damaged dagger from the rock to see if anything would happen, but it did not.
Azid, followed by Stinkbreath, approached the large hole and saw that it was about 8 feet deep and filled with silver coins and gems. Azid felt his greed begin to itch. As the two ratfolk checked the hole, Kouvian felt his divine senses kick in, and a sickly sweet odor filled the air around them, and he knew that something celestial was present. He shouted out a warning to the rest of the party not to touch anything. Azid quickly began to climb up a pillar, and Stinkbreath went to hide. Geasle and Kouvian remained where they were.
The room suddenly filled with purple energy that flowed towards a basrelief of a giant in bat garb. The relief came to life, and a flesh and blood giant stepped out of the wall. It had gray skin, and purple energy etched his skin as if lightning were flowing through his body. He wore a cowl shaped like a bat's head and a cape that hung from his arms as if they were the wings of a bat. Following him out of the wall were two humanoid bat creatures with wings of pure arcane energy. He demanded to know why they defiled his shrine and then shot a disintegration ray at Kouvian. With almost no time to react, the mighty minotaur could not do anything as the ray turned him into dust.
Terrified by the fact that the most powerful of the party had just turned to dust, Azid attempted to misty step out of the temple. It was not, though, because the mighty demigod cast a counterspell on him and sent one of his angels to go and scoop him up. Geasle dodged as an angel tried to swoop down for him. Stinkbreath remained paralyzed with fear in his hiding spot.
As the angel dangled him in front of the giant's face, Azid begged for his life and told Tamoachan everything that had happened. He told him about Zagar and that the void dragon was responsible for stealing his throne. At this point, Geasle was captured by an angel and brought high into the air. Stinkbreath revealed himself with his hands up to back what Azid was saying.
Tamoachan considered what was said to him and then had the angels return their hostages safely to the ground. He summoned an archangel and ordered the adventurers to go and find his throne and bring it back to him. He warned them that failure to do so would result in his archangel cutting them down. With no choice in the matter at all, the party agreed.
As Tamoachan started to walk back to his place in the basrelief, Stinkbreath called out to see if he would restore Kouvian. The demigod ignored him and walked away. Stinkbreath suspected that because he was an ancient god that hardly anyone worshiped anymore, he likely didn't have that power.
Azid walked towards the treasure and looked sideways at the archangel watching him. The divine being's eyes glowered at him. He decided not to take the treasure. Instead, he had Geasle break the stone grasp on Crucelia. The ghoulish warrior then dragged her corpse by the tail back to their spelljammer.

Back on Bral

The entire party felt defeated as they returned to their home on Bral. The archangel watched them quietly and constantly reminded them of everything that had just transpired. Azid had reanimated the corpse of Crucelia at this point, making her a zombie that he called Cruella. He had his undead servant carry the urn of Kouvian's ashes back to their manor, where they were placed on the mantle.
Next, they decided to find Quranis Kuilanya to tell her everything that had transpired. They found her at the Library of the Spheres, where she was shocked to learn that Crucelia and Kouvian were killed. Azid told her that Carvdous and Zagar were constructing the Annihilator, and Zagar had already taken one of the components, the Throne of the Gods. There was also a component called the Sphere of Three Parts, which Quranis recognized. Azid admitted that there was another part, but he couldn't recall what Crucelia had called it, which greatly concerned the astral elf.
Deciding to focus on what they could control, she told them that the Sphere of Three Parts was supposed to be a powerful weapon from the Second Unhuman War. It was currently in the possession of the Imperial Fleet. She referred them to Captain Glynkas Eagerwhisper, who was the commander of the Imperial Fleet on the Rock of Bral. She also introduced them to an autognome named M35. She told them that the autognome was a helpful archeologist and researcher who could serve them well in their coming adventures.
Leaving Quranis, the Rat Pack went to find Captain Eagerwhisper. They were surprised to discover he was excited to meet the Heroes of Bral in person. The decorated war hero listened to them with grave concern as they told him everything that had happened. He admitted that although they were heroes here on Bral, the Imperial Fleet wouldn't likely give them an audience. However, he had an upcoming mission to intercept some Scro munitions transported on Toril. If they could serve as a vanguard, they might build of the renown needed to be at least seen by the Admirals.
Certain that whatever they faced as a vanguard would be easier than facing another god, they agreed to help. Captain Eagerwhisper gave them the coordinates to rendevous with his soldiers.

Rewards Granted

Everyone levels up to 8.

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
The Rat Pack
Report Date
01 Oct 2023
Secondary Location
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