Mésvéstell Setting Introduction

22/08/1616 PD

"Let's clean up and rebuild, shall we!  
— Master Carestos Jall'Ti.
The Fourth Boundry is Broken.
Mésvéstell is a grand and ancient world. Her landscape is dotted with the remnant constructs of ancient civilizations that have been swallowed by either mountains or ocean waters. Imposing dragons fly through the air, dodging dangerous magical phenomena in the stark moonlight, oblivious to the rich history that Mésvéstell holds.   Through the eons, She has seen many catastrophes — a few of which have been apocalyptic extinction level events — that has left her and her children scarred. But Mésvéstell is stubborn and does not give up easily. The same could be said for the life of which she nurtures. Even if the most advanced of intelligent races succumb to apocalyptic catastrophes, life will cling on in the deepest of ocean depths or the darkest, dampest caves.  

The Humans

In the current Age, a mortal sapient species known as humans have crawled out of the mud and spread throughout all of Mésvéstell; they consider themselves the dominant race on the planet. They have proven to be highly adaptable and resilient, having managed to survive several near-apocalyptic natural disasters, and even built great civilizations that have lasted countless millennia. Even though misfortune seems to strike at them again and again, Humans continue to rebuild and prove themselves.   Their civilization is currently still the primary player among the mortal races and is an old dragon not to threaten or scare, as it will bite back hard in an attempt to hold on to and show its dominance. Even if it means biting its own tail.  
  However, thanks to the meddling of Mésvéstell's first children, the Primordial Elementals, two younger mortal subspecies of humans arose.  

The Vampires

The Venrelians — more commonly known as vampires — who began their civilization in the shadow of the world's largest mountain range, were created with the intention to function as an instrument of war against a coming apocalyptic, otherworldly invasion.   They saw their enslavement in the ashes of the millennia-old Great Dynasty of The Sovereign Rulers and set themselves free in a bloody revolution a half millennia later that spanned the continents. Now, more than a millennia later, they have become the most industrious mortal race in Mésvéstell. Where most have found a home either in the human nations or within the vampyric conquered continent of Volarphal, a significant portion still lives as nomads that face great prejudice while still being regarded with respect.  

The Alfar

The youngest of the three mortal races are also the least numerous that encompass only a few dozen individuals. They are considered to be the mortal race that is the most proficient in magic, and they also have the longest lifespans among the mortal races, besting the vampires with at least one hundred years if they are lucky.   The Alfar as a subspecies arose slowly from the ashes of the millennia-old Great Dynasty of the Sovereign Rulers, and can trace their ancestry back to a single person: a woman who was the love child of a Primordial Elemental and a member of the immortal and magical race of Disma. A woman who is still said to wander the soil of Mésvéstell to this day. A woman, whose true birthright is to be the ruler of the Vampyric people.  
Mésvéstell is a world in a mixed-fantasy setting that is eternally locked in a conflict between life and death, both figuratively and literally. In the wild roam dragons and the land is filled with ancient ruins, which are slowly being consumed by nature.  
Mésvéstell Introduction: Author Edition
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The Fourth Boundry is Healed.
"You can scroll me.
— The Sidebar.
Name of Setting, Full
Name of Setting, Short

Present Era


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