Randy Brown Character in Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction | World Anvil

Randy Brown

Randy Brown was a leading member of the Telum engineering team that designed the second generation of DAD, the founding technology on which all of today's vehicles are based. Because of this, he was named “Illustrious citizen of the world” and appointed teacher of the Telum Academy to train new engineers. 

However, he used his brief years as a professor to openly criticize the use of his work as a way to impose Telum's absolute authority in the new world order. One of his students reported the political content of his classes, so he was eventually suspended from his duties and relegated to menial tasks in Telum. It was a way to avoid exposing the faction to the scandal of holding back someone they once held up as a hero.

Through the influence of one of his former work colleagues and personal friend, the Neutral City authority Alva interceded to spare him further consequences and placed him in charge of the Hero Hub's repair and upgrade shop. Since then, Randy Randy has done his job while appearing to have given up his thoughts. This is not difficult considering his unkempt appearance, his well-known problems with alcohol, and his bizarre assistant that make it hard to imagine his glorious past.

Rumor has it that he never misses an opportunity to pass on his controversial ideas to those drivers who daily bring their vehicles to repair them and make them stronger.
Current Location
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 cm
90 kg


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