Pirates Profession in Meskou | World Anvil
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The bandits and thugs of the seas and coasts. They however are more ferocious and organized than their land lover cousins by forming crews and fleets that continuedly to prove to be a burden to the leaders of kingdoms and empires.   Many are found throughout the world, with the most being found in the hostile waters of the Marauder Creek and the pirate society located in the Slande Archipelago.




Career Progression

By amassing a large amount of fame and wealth.

Payment & Reimbursement

Generally they take their payment by force from merchant ships in the sea and divide it amongst themselves if in a fleet. Typically this is done illegally, but in rare cases, empires might enlist crews into serving as privateers where they get paid directly by the empire as well as whatever they blunder.

Other Benefits

The life of being free upon the sea and a chance to claim unfathomable wealth and fame.



Although hated by the wealthy they serve an important role in keeping money circling through the market. This helps keep the poor from starving and slows down the rich from increasing in wealth.

Social Status

It is despised by most out lookers who enjoy the comfort of society.  But for those in the profession or found in the Slande Archipelago it is a way of life and seen as being free.


For most of history, they were chaotic scoundrels, but after the year -130, they were unified under the Pirate Code created by Josephine Slande.  Not all abide by the Code, but the inclusion of it allowed the formation of the Slande Liberty where pirates form a society in the Slande Archipelago.



Typically ships, cutlasses and firearms. But none of these are required to be a pirate, although not having access to a ship is a stange position.


The seas and coasts.

Dangers & Hazards

Arrest, death or other punishments by empires. Sea leviathans are common upon the sea and can easily take down hundreds of swashbucklers with ease.
Alternative Names
Swashbuckler, Buccaneer, Corsair, Marauder
It is illegal through tout the known world except under the rule, or lack there of, the Slande Liberty in the Slande Archipelago.
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Cover image: by Artgalles


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